Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Just Anglo-American propaganda for promoting and managing 'islamic' terrorism

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Just Anglo-American propaganda for promoting and managing 'islamic' terrorism

The 06/04/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Boston jihadis originally planned to behead Pamela Geller
By Robert Spencer on Jun 03, 2015 05:02 pm

Boston jihadis originally planned to behead Pamela Geller
UPDATE: Apparently the “person outside Massachusetts” they were targeting was Pamela Geller; CNN called her for comment on it. Will the media elites begin to call for her protection and the defense of the freedom of speech? UPDATE 2: Here is CNN’s report confirming that Usaama Rahim was targeting Pamela Geller. ———- This report doesn’t […]

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United Airlines fires flight attendant in Diet Coke “Islamophobia” incident
By Robert Spencer on Jun 03, 2015 04:14 pm

United Airlines fires flight attendant in Diet Coke “Islamophobia” incident
United’s earlier statement, now erased from the web, said that the flight attendant “attempted several times to accommodate Ms. Ahmad’s beverage request.” This flight attendant has been done a manifest injustice. She has been sacrificed on the altar of Muslim victimhood, sacrificed to the false narrative that Muslims are treated unjustly in this country — […]

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Canada: Muslims guilty of jihad plot to bomb B.C. Legislature
By Robert Spencer on Jun 03, 2015 03:39 pm

Canada: Muslims guilty of jihad plot to bomb B.C. Legislature
They’re claiming “entrapment.” Think about that. Could you be entrapped? What would induce you to plot mass murder? Would you do it for love? Money? God? The entrapment defense presupposes that those using it were willing to commit murder, and just needed the ways and means, maybe along with a little cajoling. Seems like a […]

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Boston jihadi not on phone, not shot in back, as imam brother had charged
By Robert Spencer on Jun 03, 2015 03:17 pm

Boston jihadi not on phone, not shot in back, as imam brother had charged
Surprised? Well, you know, as Muhammad said, “War is deceit,” and these days if Ibrahim Rahim is able to convince Leftists and race agitators that Usaama Rahim was shot in the back, he could set Boston on fire. And some people, both at home and over in the Islamic State, very much want to set […]

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As Islamic State continues advancing, US claims coalition has killed 10,000 Islamic State jihadis
By Robert Spencer on Jun 03, 2015 02:30 pm

As Islamic State continues advancing, US claims coalition has killed 10,000 Islamic State jihadis
Baghdad Bob is on a roll. “U.S. says 10,000 Islamic State militants killed in nine-month campaign,” Reuters, June 3, 2015: More than 10,000 Islamic State fighters have been killed since the international coalition started its campaign against the militant group nine months ago in Iraq and Syria, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken said […]

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William Kilpatrick — ‘Needed: A New Church Policy Toward Islam, Pt 1′
By Ralph Sidway on Jun 03, 2015 02:16 pm

William Kilpatrick — ‘Needed: A New Church Policy Toward Islam, Pt 1′
The below article, by the ever-incisive William Kilpatrick, is written for a Roman Catholic audience, but the questions raised apply to all Christians. Secular leaders, too, can profit by his patient reasoning.  Part One of a Three Part Series.  Needed: A New Church Policy Toward Islam By William Kilpatrick, Crisis Magazine Part 1: The Dilemma In a […]

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Al-Aqsa Mosque imam: Jews make matzah from blood, sacrifice humans to Satan
By Robert Spencer on Jun 03, 2015 01:34 pm

Al-Aqsa Mosque imam: Jews make matzah from blood, sacrifice humans to Satan
“Only yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch reported on a PA TV children’s program that presented Jews as ‘barbaric monkeys… the most evil among creations.'” That’s from the Qur’an. “Say, “Shall I inform you of worse than that as penalty from Allah? Those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He became angry and made of them […]

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Daniel Greenfield: The Islamophobia Revolution Will Be Brought to You by Diet Coke
By Robert Spencer on Jun 03, 2015 11:56 am

Daniel Greenfield: The Islamophobia Revolution Will Be Brought to You by Diet Coke
Daniel Greenfield is such a towering genius, I just don’t have words. If we had five of him, there would be a total revolution in the public debate, and a thoroughgoing victory for sanity. “The Islamophobia Revolution Will Be Brought to You by Diet Coke,” by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage, June 2, 2015: While Americans yawned […]

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Boston jihadis plotted to behead a police officer
By Robert Spencer on Jun 03, 2015 11:05 am

Boston jihadis plotted to behead a police officer
The police must have provoked them, right? By being police. If the police had just allowed themselves to be stabbed, all would have been well. It is never wise and always uncharitable to provoke Muslims — everyone knows that. Note the participation of Globe reporter Lisa Wangsness, who has done so much to whitewash the […]

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Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Why Would a Devout Muslim Want to Work at Abercrombie and Fitch?
By Robert Spencer on Jun 03, 2015 10:36 am

Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Why Would a Devout Muslim Want to Work at Abercrombie and Fitch?
It is a sad indication of the deep trouble that we are in that the Supreme Court would consider this case and not ponder even for a moment about the implications. It was so “easy” for Scalia because he never stopped to ask himself why a pious Muslima would want to work in a clothing […]

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