Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday, 19 June 2015


ICANN: Human Rights Responsibilities

ARTICLE 19 has launched a report which focusses on the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)'s corporate social responsibility to respect human rights. UPDATE

Mexico: Journalist murdered in Tabasco State

Ismael Diaz Lopez , reporter for newspapers El Criollo and Tabasco Hoy, was murdered yesterday. 
Read more in English | Español


Europe: Delfi decision a blow to Online Freedom

European Court makes online news outlets responsible for the content of their Comments Sections in significant blow to freedom of online expression. Read more >


UNHRC: Oral Statement on Encryption and Anonymity

ARTICLE 19 at the United Nations Human Rights Council: we urge all governments to promote the use of strong encryption technologies and to protect the right to seek, receive, and impart information anonymously online. Read more >


Africa: Peer Review Mechanism in need of review

ARTICLE 19 welcomes the recent election of Kenya’s president Uhuru Kenyatta as the chairperson of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), and his promise to revitalize the mechanism. Read more >


Iran: We must protect Artistic Expression

Watching Atena Farghadani describe the treatment she experienced at the hands of prison guards while held at the notorious Gharchak prison, President Hassan Rouhani’s tweet comes to mind: “Art without freedom is meaningless.”. Read more >


Azerbaijan: Alternative Realities and Inconvenient Truths

For most, it seems an easy choice to make - to choose the truth above lies. Yet, it has become remarkably easy for the Azerbaijani authorities to censor truth, even during the European Games currently being held in Baku. Read more >
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