Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 10 July 2015

IEEE Spectrum Tech Alert
9 July 2015
It's ironic, really. You buy an augmented-reality device to make you more able, yet you're likely to experience some of the same problems that visually impaired people do. AR can cause you to misjudge the speed of oncoming cars, underestimate your reaction time, and unintentionally ignore all sorts of hazards of the real world. We can do better.
And why it's the future of the web

If the robot masters prostate procedures, brain surgery may be next

Study shows gender discrimination in targeted advertisements, cause unknown

Digital Reasoning has trained a record-breaking artificial intelligence neural network that is 14 times larger than Google's previous record

Catch a glimpse of Parrot's first-ever waterborne drone

The microphone's ideal flat-band frequency response offers opportunities in acoustics

A real-world use case where modular robots could be invaluable

Will flashristors perform better than memristors?