Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: A Greek new currency, parallel to Greek-euro, is technically possible although it would and will be a fraud against the same clients of the corrupted and predatory Greek government. 'Public' salaries and pensions will be paid using an hyper-inflationated 'drachma' while business will accept only euro. The Greek economy will be further devastated. PLEASE, DO IT! ...A Greek drachma parallel to a Greek-euro!!! Tsipras, Varoufakis and Co. are just clowns!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++Professor Yanis Varoufakis is a perfect idiot. Cocaine is not healthy! Bitcoin is a serious currency. YOU cannot use it for government predations!

Thursday, 2 July 2015

A Greek new currency, parallel to Greek-euro, is technically possible although it would and will be a fraud against the same clients of the corrupted and predatory Greek government. 'Public' salaries and pensions will be paid using an hyper-inflationated 'drachma' while business will accept only euro. The Greek economy will be further devastated. PLEASE, DO IT! ...A Greek drachma parallel to a Greek-euro!!! Tsipras, Varoufakis and Co. are just clowns!
Professor Yanis Varoufakis is a perfect idiot. Cocaine is not healthy! Bitcoin is a serious currency. YOU cannot use it for government predations!


Grecia, Varoufakis: “Se vince il Sì, lascio”
Il piano segreto: moneta parallela all’euro

Il ministro delle Finanze: «Non firmeremo nessun accordo senza la ristrutturazione del debito» Telefonata Obama-Renzi. «Riportare la Grecia sulla strada delle riforme». Moody declassa il rating di Atene

 Referendum, nuovi sondaggi: 
«sì» avanti con il 43,3%, «no» 39,3%Federico Fubini