Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday, 3 July 2015


Computer Crimes in Iran: Risky Online Behaviour

Iran’s authorities have invested heavily in capacity to restrict freedom of expression and information online. But how can Iranian activists stay safe online? What are the biggest threats? Read more >

Myanmar: Censored Gender

When it comes to freedom of expression, women experience restrictions, punishments, and their effects differently to men. For men, they tend to come from government; for women they are reinforced by society in the form of gender-based discrimination and violence. Read more >

UK: We demand to know why GCHQ has been spying on Rights Groups

In a joint open letter, ARTICLE 19 asked Foreign Secretary why international human rights groups had been targeted by GCHQ.
Only days later, there were further revelations by the Investigatory Powers Tribunal that Amnesty International had also been spied on. The group are demanding an investigation.
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Kenya: Information and Communications (Broadcasting) Regulations and Programming Code

Although exhibiting a number of positive features, there is significant room for improvement in various areas, including provisions regarding frequency plans and concentration of ownership.
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UN HRC: Monitoring of LGBTI discrimination must be improved

We joined more than 380 organisations calling for action on violence and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, following a significant report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
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Azerbaijan: Sport Minister threatens Director of TV Station

Threats have been made against Emin Milli, Director of Meydan TV, as a result of his critical reporting ahead of the European Olympic Games, hosted in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku. 
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Surveillance State: What do Anonymity and Encryption mean for the UK?

On 26 June, we brought together two of the leading international voices on anonymity and encryption. It was a lively debate, with Sir David Omand labeling some of Kaye's recommendations 'lame', and ultimately expressing mistrust in government altogether, and UN Special Rapporteur David Kaye proposing a fully-stripped-back set of rules for online expression.
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Austerity, Iran and Our Right to Protest

Hundreds of thousands of people marched through London’s streets Saturday, 20 June 2015, to protest against the newly-elected Conservative government’s proposed austerity measures. Afsaneh Rigot, from ARTICLE 19's Iran Programme, attended to observe and conduct interviews with protesters. #righttoprotest Read more >
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