Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday 5 July 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 04 Jul 2015 10:00 PM PDT
There are many Bakoni ruins around the modern town of Machadodorp in South Africa’s Mpumalanga Province, most of them situated on the hills above the town.

The slopes here are covered with terraces made from stone walls and forming a large complex that also consists of settlements, fields and roads.

The ruins clearly prove that African agriculture, prior to the arrival of European colonialists, was far from being the rudimentary system the Europeans believed it to be.

Historian Professor Peter Delius and archaeologist Dr Alex Schoeman from The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, believe the ruins at Bakoni to be evidence of advanced technological and agricultural innovation, long before the colonial era.

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Posted: 04 Jul 2015 09:00 PM PDT
Deforestation is stripping the Earth’s forests at an alarming rate, and this includes more than 100 plant, animal, and insect species (daily) as well. We are talking about massive amounts of land area that forests are supposed to cover.

We are raping the Earth, with swaths the size of Panama being lost each and every year. At the current rate of deforestation, the world’s rain forests could be completely gone within the next one hundred years, and that’s not a very long time at all.

According to the National Geographic, seventy percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests. We’ve destroyed millions of acres of forest in the last century, mostly due to human activity. It’s long past the time for us to question what it is we are doing here, and it seems that more people are doing that every day, which is great to see. (source)

But all is not lost. Solutions are available to clean up the heart-breaking mess we’ve wrapped ourselves up in, and it’s quite overwhelming to consider just how many solutions we already have which could end the practice of deforestation, or at least restore the planet and help bring it back to life.

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Posted: 04 Jul 2015 08:00 PM PDT
We all have an innate desire to grow and to become the very best expressions of ourselves. This is why we spend our lives learning, evolving, and striving to align with a way of life that both supports and fulfills us.

To achieve this requires  that we transform from where we are now to where we want to be. Growth, progress, and even our very survival depend on us transforming our lives and our world for the better.

Today, the world is changing fast. Technology continues to advance at speeds that are increasingly difficult to keep up with. Things seem in a constant state of fluctuation. Jobs change, relationships end and new ones begin. 

There may be times of financial difficulties or challenges at work. With greater connectivity, faster speed of change, and more daily pressures than ever before, we have become a society of people that are more stressed, depressed, sick, and dissatisfied in life. What happened to creating a life that supports and fulfills us?

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Posted: 04 Jul 2015 07:00 PM PDT
Saddle up, it’s time for an awesome conspiracy theory.

If you’re a fan of science fiction, you know about Arthur C. Clarke’s (and Stanley Kubrick’s) seminal novel series2001: A Space Odyssey.

In the second installment, 2010: Odyssey Two, the alien monolith that was orbiting Jupiter replicates itself and begins condensing the gas giant, eventually transforming it into a smaller sun.

This process turns the former planet’s moons into habitable worlds suitable for life. The people of Earth consequently name the second sun in the sky Lucifer.

Without getting too ecclesiastic, the term Lucifer comes from Latin and literally means ‘light-bringing.’ Fitting name for the solar system’s new star.

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