Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Just Greek delinquents! Greeks have been living, until now, stealing your money, alias by EU subsides. If Greece wouldn't have been a euro country, it would have printed tons of drachmas with an inflation of 1000% per month. People talking about monetary illusion, banks' dictatorship and money coming from nothing usually are people working for governments wanting stealing you more money for further dissipating it as 'public' expenditure. Be worried! Germany is a government of idiots and of corrupted people. Germany wants to go on sending subsides to Greece. Be worried! YOU'll go on paying for that. Germans are very generous, ...with YOUR ass and with YOUR money!

Saturday 4 July 2015

Just Greek delinquents! Greeks have been living, until now, stealing your money, alias by EU subsides. If Greece wouldn't have been a euro country, it would have printed tons of drachmas with an inflation of 1000% per month. People talking about monetary illusion, banks' dictatorship and money coming from nothing usually are people working for governments wanting stealing you more money for further dissipating it as 'public' expenditure. Be worried! Germany is a government of idiots and of corrupted people. Germany wants to go on sending subsides to Greece. Be worried! YOU'll go on paying for that. Germans are very generous, ...with YOUR ass and with YOUR money!

Le Premier ministre grec a rejoint à Athènes 25 000 partisans du non à la consultation de dimanche, tandis que 22 000 personnes manifestaient pour le oui.
Le Premier ministre grec Alexis Tsipras salue la foule de ses partisans, le 3 juillet 2015 à Athènes, venus manifester pour le non au référendum