Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday 5 July 2015

They Found a Mysterious Box in a Dumpster – What Was In It Baffles Everyone

They Found a Mysterious Box in a Dumpster – What Was In It Baffles EveryoneCONTRIBUTOR: kalina. The box looks handmade fitted with hinges, handle and two locks. It looks like the author had some other-world experience. Handwritten table of elements. Here is a patent that was never filed with the United States Patent Office – But things get weirder from here… This...


The Conversion of Schools to FEMA Camps

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. As the tyranny in this country keeps expanding in an exponential manner, the Independent Media is at the forefront of reporting these events, particularly as the relate to Jade Helm and the conversion of existing structures into potential FEMA camps. Meanwhile, the mainstream seems oblivious to what is...


Obama Signs Executive Order Permanently Implementing Martial Law

Obama Signs Executive Order Permanently Implementing Martial LawCONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. By: Voice of Reason FOR MORE NEWS BY VOICE OF REASON CLICK HERE! You’ve heard all the hype. We’ve heard all the stories and videos about Jade Helm, FEMA Camps, and Martial Law… and people said we were “Conspiracy Theorists.” Even the Mainstream Media Has Covered Obama's Plans For...


Russell Brand decoded. Nice video.

CONTRIBUTOR: The Tap Blog. He’s managed opposition, a Fabian, a Freemason and connected into the Establishment.  Bit windy background, as the speaker is walking on Mt Kilimanjaro while he’s analysing Brand.  I enjoyed it nonetheless.  John St Julien....


UFO Researcher Finds Ancient Ship In Alaska, July 2015 (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. Date of discovery: June 30, 2015 Location of discovery: Sitkalidak Island, Alaska Coordinates: 57° 9'33.11" N153° 9'29.91"W I wanted to test my skills on Google Earth at finding ancient ships. Many people have tried to tell me that what I report on mars is not real, its just in my...


194 Astonishing Accomplishments by Barack Obama (With Citations)

194 Astonishing Accomplishments by Barack Obama (With Citations)CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. By: Voice of Reason FOR MORE NEWS BY VOICE OF REASON CLICK HERE! This post goes out to every Red, White, and Blue conservative American patriot that had to endure multiple encounters with friends or family who just would not listen to sane rational thinking during the onset...


Emergency Podcast: July 5 Greek Referendum & What it Means for Liberty, Gold, Silver

CONTRIBUTOR: SGTreport. from smartknowledgeu: Today, July 5th, we recorded an emergency broadcast at 6AM Greek time to address the Greek Referendum today, and what it means for all of humanity’s freedom, gold, silver and you....


The Funniest Dog Shaming Pictures And Videos Ever! (Videos)

The Funniest Dog Shaming Pictures And Videos Ever! (Videos)CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) Our pets are apart of our daily lives, adding joy, being companions and in this case, bringing us laughs when they do things they know they aren't suppose to do or they are just being funny. This is a collection of some of the funniest Dog Hall Of Shame...


GoPro turtle inspires people to save Great Barrier Reef in mesmerizing footage (VIDEO)

GoPro turtle inspires people to save Great Barrier Reef in mesmerizing footage (VIDEO)CONTRIBUTOR: goldenmean. This post was originally published on this site Published time: July 05, 2015 11:14Screenshot from YouTube user WWF-AustraliaOur planet’s beauty and fragility can never be understated. So, scientists with a GoPro teamed up with some turtles to take the viewer on a tour of the Great Barrier Reef – the...


20 Mind Blowing Facts Will Destroy Your Understanding Of Time!

20 Mind Blowing Facts Will Destroy Your Understanding Of Time!CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority. CHECK OUT OTHER STORIES BY THE UN-SILENT MAJORITY HERE: BE SURE TO LIKE ME ON: FACEBOOK | TWITTER If you’re about my age (40), then you cringed when you heard that (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!) from the Beastie Boys CD Licensed to Ill is now THIRTY...



CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore



CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason

CONTRIBUTOR: JeffreyDaugherty

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense


CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore