Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The Health Ranger
Dementia was once a disease that only appeared in the elderly, but it's now striking Americans in their 40s.
How is this happening? Mercury exposure causes chronic, degenerative brain damage, and there's still mercury in flu shots.
Is the vaccine industry contributing to the "dementia generation" of people losing their minds? What's the role of pesticides? Glyphosate? Other heavy metals?
Click here for the full story
The honeybee population continues to be decimated from GMOs and pesticides, but instead of stopping this honeybee genocide Monsanto wants GM flying ants.

When did Western medicine become a machine of destruction, using abortion, chemotherapy and vaccines instead of giving life and healing?
Soon your family doctor may be a robot. At least the robots won't be a puppet for Big Pharma the way many doctors are now.

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If the EPA is responsible for protecting our environment, then why do they have no accountability after causing one of the worst pollution disasters in our history?
Fox News surprises everyone by admitting the need for integrative medicine when fighting cancer.

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If Teddy Roosevelt were alive today, would people care more about his big game hunting hobby than about Planned Parenthood's organ harvesting program?