Humans Are Free-Blog |
- 5 Ways Benevolent Extraterrestrials Could Save Our Civilization
- Sanskrit Writings Reveal UFOs Visited India More than 6000 Years Ago
- The Ancients Knew Earth Was A Sphere At Least 2,000 Years Before Columbus
- The 40 Hour Work Week & More: How Culture Has Made Us “Hungry Ghosts”
Posted: 31 Aug 2015 10:00 PM PDT
For over six years I’ve been involved in the extraterrestrial and disclosure movement. Not only have I met those who have had real contact experiences, I’m one of those rare people who have too.
In fact, I believe contact with these special beings could be a golden ticket to rescuing our planet and civilization from peril. No, aliens haven’t showed up in my living room looking for a cup of tea. Rather, I’ve had insane UFO sightings and experienced the ethereal presence of ETs so powerfully the experience was undeniable. One time in Mexico I witnessed nearly 100 orange UFOs streaming across the sky in a DNA spiral. And after staring in awe for nearly an hour I had crop circle like visuals every time I closed my eyes for 3-days. I’ve never thought something like that was possible. And yes, I was completely sober. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 31 Aug 2015 09:00 PM PDT
Did you know that NASA recently brought together scientists, philosophers and theologians from all over the planet to prepare the world for extraterrestrial contact?
You can read more about that here. India’s greatest writings, the Vedas, talk about ‘flying ships’ or UFOs that visited the continent likely more than 6000 years ago. NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan recently said: Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 31 Aug 2015 08:00 PM PDT
We have been told in school that it was Christopher Columbus the person who found out that the Earth is a sphere and set out on a journey to prove it.
It is just one of the many “little” lies that have been told in history classes today. But Christopher Columbus did not discover the Earth was spherical. Actually, Columbus was about 2,000 years too late and he greatly underestimated the Earth’s circumference. So who discovered or proved the Earth is a sphere?
Pythagoras was one of the originators of the idea, Aristotle provided physical evidence and Eratosthenes determined that the Earth was in fact, round.
Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 31 Aug 2015 07:00 PM PDT
Consumerism is Heavily Nurtured by Corporations
Here in the West, a lifestyle of unnecessary spending has been deliberately cultivated and nurtured in the public by big business. Companies in all kinds of industries have a huge stake in the public’s penchant to be frivolous with its spending, and in the documentary “The Corporation,” a marketing psychologist shows just how easy it is to increase sales by targeting nagging children, and the effect that nagging has on the parents’ spending. “You can manipulate consumers into wanting, and therefore buying your products. It’s a game,” says Lucy Hughes, co-creator of “The Nag Factor.” Read Entire Article » |