How does bitcoin work? Who created it and how is it created? Have you ever stopped and thought how much you really know about the digital currency? Take our Bitcoin Basics Quiz and test your bitcoin knowledge. Don’t forgot to share your results at the end!
Sep 19, 2015 01:00 pm | CoinDesk
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JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon issued new remarks on bitcoin and the blockchain as part of today's Barclays Global Financial Services Conference. The comments suggest Dimon is optimistic about use cases for blockchain technology and distributed ledger systems, despite having been one of the more notable bitcoin skeptics.
Sep 18, 2015 10:58 pm | Pete Rizzo
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The Bank of England’s top economist has suggested that a digital currency based on bitcoin could alleviate monetary policy problems. On the subject of bitcoin, Haldane joined a growing chorus of central bank figures in pointing to the benefits of bitcoin and, more broadly, blockchain-based transaction systems.
Sep 18, 2015 10:19 pm | Stan Higgins
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One of the more novel proposals to debut at last week's Scaling Bitcoin conference was developed by a team of Cornell researchers. Called Bitcoin-NG (short for next generation), the proposal is envisioned as a solution to "inherent problems" in blockchain design, both in bitcoin and alternatives such as Ethereum.
Sep 18, 2015 08:50 pm | Pete Rizzo
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A California politician has become embroiled in a growing controversy surrounding an altcoin and investors who say they’ve been duped. According to reports by The Pasadena Star-News, regulators are investigating a company called US Fine Investment Arts Inc that's backing a digital currency called Gemcoin.
Sep 18, 2015 06:46 pm | Stan Higgins
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The coverage over the last few days has been largely dominated by the partnership between nine well-known banks and distributed ledger startup R3CEV. Who's said what and where? CoinDesk has rounded up the bitcoin-related headlines from across the world.
Sep 18, 2015 03:45 pm | Yessi Bello Perez
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