Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Belgian Crown State/Government Terrorism!These are terrorist operations ordered from the Belgian Crown-NATO and implemented from Belgian Secret Police Disservices (SV/SE & ADIV/SGRS)... No independent terrorism is ever possible! ALWAYS is State/Government Terrorism! Belgium is an anti-semitic space constantly implementing State/government-managed persecutions, assassinations, massacres, pogroms...

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Belgian Crown State/Government Terrorism!
These are terrorist operations ordered from the Belgian Crown-NATO and implemented from Belgian Secret Police Disservices (SV/SE & ADIV/SGRS)... No independent terrorism is ever possible! ALWAYS is State/Government Terrorism! Belgium is an anti-semitic space constantly implementing State/government-managed persecutions, assassinations, massacres, pogroms...


Casualties in Brussels airport blasts

Two blasts rock Brussels international airport, causing an unconfirmed number of casualties, with another explosion reported on the metro system.

Casualties in Brussels airport blasts

Two blasts rock Brussels international airport, causing an unconfirmed number of casualties, with another explosion reported on the metro system.

aeroporto bruxelles-pp

Due forti esplosioni sono avvenute martedì mattina alle 8 all’aeroporto di Bruxelles Zaventem, devastando la sala partenze internazionali vicino ai banchi dell’American Airlines nel terminal A. Secondo la polizia si è trattato di un attentato, almeno un morto e diversi feriti, ma il bilancio è ancora provvisorio. Le forze dell’ordine stanno sgomberando lo scalo internazionale. Tutti i voli sono stati sospesi, così come il traffico ferroviario verso l’aerostazione

Dernière Minute
Mardi 22 mars - 08:27