Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday 28 December 2010
Tevet 21, 5771 · December 28, 2010
This Week's Features Printable Magazine
A Pillar of Strength and Faith After the Holocaust
Her voice choked with emotion, Rachel often repeated when we spoke, "G-d is so good to me." Rachel was a Holocaust survivor who lived a life of tragedies and great challenges. Yet she always clung to her faith and was grateful for the blessings she had...

By Dina Hendel
The truth is that we have very little control over our moods and whether other people like us or not or what they choose to do with their lives. People can suddenly reject us or can be so overwhelmed with their own issues that they seem to not care. When we are dependent on others for reassurance, approval or understanding, we remain suspicious and insecure...

By Miriam Adahan
Part II
Your baby is getting older and yet you are still not able to sleep through the night! Here are some great tips to help you and baby catch more zzzs...

By Brenda Sherizen
Parshat Va'eira
The very concept of Egypt denotes limitation, a sense of entrapment, blockage and slavery. And we have a directive to escape this reality every day. We don't need to physically live in the land of Egypt under Pharaoh's rule to feel enslaved...

By Sarah Zadok
Having a real life in my hands only generated more loss of life in my head. Sure, I was smart enough to feed, bathe and care for my child. I kept a very organized diaper bag and was on my toes with everything baby-related. But when it came to life in general, there was no brain left...

By Mimi Hecht (Notik)
Oh pain! Oh pain! There's something you should know,
Halt now, surrender, and listen to what I say,
Every time you hurt, I only thrive and grow

By Chany Klein
I have a teenage daughter (age sixteen) who has turned into a totally obnoxious individual! She used to be a sweet girl, but for the past year or two, things have been getting more and more out of hand...

By Beryl Tritel