SPIEGEL ONLINE - INTERNATIONAL NEWSLETTER Compiled on Thursday, December 23, 2010, 04:29 PM CET This mail includes the latest edition of the SPIEGEL INTERNATIONAL newsletter. For daily insights on Europe and the world, visit If you are unable to click on any of the links below, please copy and paste the address into your Web browser's address bar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE MEXICAN DRUG WAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Nation Descends into Violence The Mexican government has been using the army to fight the nation's drug cartels for about four years. It isn't working. Some critics say the army is part of the problem, even if the occasional mission removes a kingpin. But President Felipe Calderón has no one else to trust.,1518,735865,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Mexico at War ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTSMARTED BY APPLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nokia Looks to Recover the 'Magic Dust' For years, Nokia effortlessly dominated the cell phone market. But then Apple and Google muscled in on its turf and changed the game forever. The Finnish company is pinning its hopes on a new operating system, but it might be too little, too late.,1518,735873,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- The Apps Boom: Gold Rush in the Smartphone Software Market,1518,659563,00.html#ref=nlint Finns Strike Back: Nokia Takes Aim at Apple,1518,645550,00.html#ref=nlint Can Finnish Mobile Giant Fend off Apple? Nokia is Outsmarted on Smartphones,1518,639446,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TERRORISM IN EUROPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parcel Bombs at Embassies in Rome Injure Two A parcel bomb has exploded at the Chilean embassy in Rome, shortly after an employee at the Swiss embassy was badly wounded by another exploding package. The attacks recall parcel bombs sent to European capitals in November.,1518,736424,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAVING THE COMMON CURRENCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Berlin Denies Plans for a New Euro Stability Fund Is Germany working on a new stability fund for the European common currency? A report in a Munich daily on Thursday claimed that Berlin was working with several other European capitals on such a plan. The Finance Ministry, however, says it is not. The confusion is typical of the EU's response to the euro crisis.,1518,736347,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FROM BERLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Barack Obama Was the Biggest Loser of 2010' After months of stalling, the US Senate has finally approved the New START disarmament treaty with Russia. The ratification is a major triumph for US President Barack Obama, but German commentators warn that it may be the last such success for a long time.,1518,736320,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- A Genuine New Start? Obama Is No Reagan on Nuclear Disarmament,1518,736379,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A GENUINE NEW START? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Obama Is No Reagan on Nuclear Disarmament President Obama's arms control policy is rooted in the outdated doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction, as can be seen in the logic underpinning the New START treaty. Until he articulates a new vision of arms control for a multipolar world, Obama's goal of nuclear abolition will not be realized.,1518,736379,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- The World from Berlin: 'Barack Obama Was the Biggest Loser of 2010',1518,736320,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE DENISOVAN CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Researchers Decipher DNA of Mysterious Human Ancestor The human family just got a new relative. Genetic researchers in Leipzig have deciphered the DNA of a hominid species that coexisted with Homo sapiens and Neanderthals around 40,000 years ago. A tiny piece of bone was enough for them to sequence the genome.,1518,736454,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UNWANTED ATTENTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ German Far Right Praises New Swiss Law It's the kind of attention the Swiss would rather avoid. Following last month's referendum in Switzerland approving the deportation of criminal foreigners, Germany's extreme-right party the NPD has praised the Alpine nation -- and sent out hundreds of thousands of fawning postcards.,1518,736428,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PICTURE THIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dog Days of Winter,1518,736448,00.html#ref=nlint
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith for my writings ============> for something on religions ===>