Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 23 December 2010

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Thursday, Dec 23 '10, Tevet 16, 5771
Today`s Email Stories:
PA Family Sends Son to Get Shot
Chesler Asks About Pollard
EU: PA Produce to be Duty-Free
PUAH Institute Holds Conference
Attack on Christians was Terror
PA: Hamas Plans 'Civil War'
China: Help Us Fight Child Abuse
  More Website News:
Anger at Temple Mount Censorship
Police Prepare to Seal House
Fayyad: Israel Seeking PA Rift
Greek Priest's Jew-Hate Rant
Plan to Bring the Messiah
  MP3 Radio Website News Briefs:
Talk: Axing the Axis
Natural Law or Revealed Law?
Music: Original Music
Quiet Selection

1. Massive EU Aid to PA; US Omits Aid to Israel
by Hillel Fendel 
EU-PA Aid, Yes; US-Israel - No

First installment of massive European Union aid to the PA for 2011 is announced, while US delays previously-pledged hundreds of millions of dollars for Israeli defense. 

European Union foreign affairs head Catherine Ashton announced on Wednesday an initial 100-million-euro ($131.3 million) aid package to the Palestinian Authority for 2011. Sixty million euros will enable the Palestinian Authority "to cover wages and pensions for essential civilian workers, particularly medical and teaching staff," Ashton said, and the remainder will be channeled through United Nations relief programs. 

"This decision is a sign of the strong political and financial commitment of the European Union to the Palestinian Authority and to Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's leadership in building a democratic and viable Palestinian state," Ashton said, taking clear sides in the ongoing debate as to whether a Palestinian state is desirable for a peaceful settlement in the Middle East.  “Palestinian statehood is critical for any peaceful, workable and lasting solution to the conflict." 

The latest aid will be added to 696 million euros already given by the EU to the PA, as well as another 265 million from individual EU member states. 

At the same time,  a special three-month budget for the United Stateshas been prepared – but is lacking promised funds for Israeli defense that U.S. President Barack Obama earlier pledged. The short-term budget is designed to keep the government afloat until a final budget is prepared. 

Specifically, a promised $205 million for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense project has not been allocated. Similarly missing are increased allocations for other missile defense programs that the House of Representatives approved several months ago. U.S.officials said, however, that the funding would appear in the final national budget. 

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has said that he would work to wean Israelfrom dependence of U.S.foreign aid. 

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2. Family Dispatches Palestinian ‘Terrorist’ to Get Shot by IDF
by Hillel Fendel 
PA Family Sends Son to Get Shot


A deranged Arab youth was dispatched by his family towards Beit El - hoping he would be shot as a suspected terrorist by the IDF.  

The residents of Beit El were ordered to remain in their houses last night after an infiltration was detected. Two hours later, it turned out the ‘terrorist’ was sent purposely by his family who thus wished to be rid of him. The armed man who accompanied him was not found. 

The incident began shortly after midnight when Beit El’s around-the-clock security office was alerted to an infiltration via the security fence in the northern neighborhoods. A beeper message went out to the town’s residents, informing them of what of the suspected presence of one or more terrorists and instructing them to lock their doors and remain inside. 

Within a short time, the security forces found and arrested an Arab who appeared to be “confused.” He was not armed, but said that he was with another man who was – and the residents were advised to continue to remain in their homes until the second terrorist was found. 

Following further investigation, it was ascertained that the arrested infiltrator was actually mentally unbalanced, and that the armed man who accompanied him was a representative of the family of the “infiltrator.”  The family thus sought to dispatch its unhealthy relative to Beit El in the hope that he would be shot by IDF soldiers. 

Beit El is located just south of Dura Al-Kara and west of Bitin. It has been the target of rock attacks several times from outside, but infiltrators managed only twice to attack within Beit El itself: On Shavuot ten years ago, a terrorist stabbed the town's security officer in the shoulder - the terrorist was killed shortly afterwards - and on another occasion, Arabs chased away a mother and children and proceeded to burn prayerbooks and destroy a makeshift synagogue on the site that later became the Pisgat Yaakov neighborhood. 


3. Opinion: Is Pollard Caspar Weinberger's Revenge on the Jews?
by Prof. Phyllis Chesler 
Chesler Asks About Pollard


Why is this man still in jail? Why was this man forced to spend seven years in solitary? Why is still confined, languishing, festering in jail for a total of twenty five years? 

Solitary confinement is the most barbaric of punishments. Few people can withstand this form of torture without becoming very ill, both physically and mentally. 

Am I talking about the Soviet Gulag? Or about some hell-hole in Afghanistan or Iran? 

Last year, The New Yorker ran a piece about solitary confinement. The article concludes that this punishment amounts to torture, that it can even induce “acute psychosis with hallucinations.” The article describes the cases of two political prisoners or prisoners-of-war: AP’s Middle East correspondent, Terry Anderson, who was put into solitary by Hezbollah in Lebanon for six years. Anderson “felt himself disintegrating”; his mind went blank; he had hallucinations; he started to become “neurotically possessive about his little space”; he felt his brain was “grinding down.”  He also describes Senator John McCain who said that “solitary confinement crushes your spirit and weakens your resistance more than any other form of mistreatment. And he said that even though he had his arms broken and was subjected to other forms of torture.” 

Clearly, the New Yorker’s man, Atul Gawande, opposes this practice. 

He does mention the cases of two unnamed inmates: one was convicted of felony-murder and spent five years in isolation. After a few months he began talking to himself, pacing back and forth, having panic attacks, and hallucinating. After a year he was hearing voices on the television who were talking to him. In another case, Gawande describes another American man in solitary whose initial crime was armed robbery and aggravated battery but who then “misbehaved” at a medium security prison for which he was was put in solitary or in isolation for almost fourteen years. This man stopped showering and began throwing his feces around his cell. He became psychotic. 

Even he was released after he served his sentence of fifteen years. 

Gawande does not mention the man I have in mind, a man whose living head is on a pike in the public square for all to see—a message, a warning to us all—a man who killed no one. 

I am talking about Jonathan Pollard. 

What crime did he commit? Did he spy against American for the Soviets or for the Chinese communists? Did he do so for money, sex, or for ideological reasons? American Navy Seaman, Michael Walker, operated a Soviet spy ring; he was arrested in 1980, pled guilty, was sentenced to 25 years and released after 15 years. 

CIA Agent David Barnett sold the Soviets the names of thirty American undercover agents. He was arrested in the mid-1980s, sentenced to only eighteen years, and paroled after only ten years. In 2001, John Walker Lindh, who joined the Taliban and received training as a terrorist in Pakistan, was captured and sentenced to 21 years. In the Abdul Kedar Helmy, an Egyptian-born American, transmitted classified materials to Egypt used in a joint weapons program with Iraq to vastly increase the range of ballistic missiles, including Scud missiles, which were later fired on U.S. troops during the Persian Gulf War.” In 2010, Chinese-American engineer Dongfan “Greg” Chung operated as a spy for China against America for thirty years. He received a 15 year sentence. 

What is “different” about Pollard? Unlike Walker, Barnett, Lindh, Helmy, and Chung, Pollard is the only Jew. The others are Christians or Muslims or atheists. 

What else is different? Pollard is the only one who shared secrets with an American ally with whom America was not and is not now at war. Pollard shared information with Israel. 

What else is “different” about Pollard? There is one more thing. Like the Rosenbergs, Pollard was the proving grounds, the scapegoat, for another man, also a Jew, but a Jew who did not like being mistreated as a Jew, as a Jew who wanted to prove how tough the was or how hard he was ready to be on another Jew and on the Jewish state. 

The Rosenbergs, (who were guilty), had their Jewish judge who chose to have them electrocuted. Pollard, poor Pollard, had Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger whose paternal grandparents were Jews and whose father was a Jewish lawyer. When Caspar was a boy, he was taunted for supposedly being Jewish. His mother was a Christian and he was raised as a Christian. When he visited Yad Vashem, the Memorial to the Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, he said loudly: “I am not a Jew.” He said this in response to the guard who told him that “he, too, would have been murdered in the Holocaust.” 

Weinberger submitted a forty page affidavit in which he insisted that Pollard should be harshly sentenced. (In later years, he said that “the Pollard matter was comparatively minor.” Weinberger is now dead and no doubt roasting in Hell. 

One wonders: What did he have over CIA head George Tenet (who threatened to resign when President Clinton suggested pardoning Pollard)? 

What did Weinberger have over President Bush’s Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, both of whom went along with Weinberger’s revenge? 

Where are all the anti-torture activists on Pollard? How can it be that our most prominent American political prisoner has never made it onto their honor roll of causes with which to browbeat America? 

Yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formally asked President Obama to pardon Jonathan Pollard, at long last. I and all true believers in democracy stand with him in this matter. 

Update: Based on a recent article by Leo Rennert which critique’s yesterdays’ coverage of the Pollard case in The New York Times, “ it is now clear that Pollard, in failing health, has been the victim of a CIA cover-up of a massive intelligence failure, with the agency blaming Pollard for the damage caused by a real “mole” inside the CIA who passed to Moscow the names of more than a dozen U.S. informants in the Soviet Union — namely Aldrich Ames, the head of CIA’s Soviet-Eastern Europe division, who fingered Pollard to keep the CIA from discovering his own treachery.. The CIA did not discover Ames’ role until well after Pollard was behind bars and it still isn’t willing to acknowledge its mistake in blaming Pollard for Ames’s crimes.” 


Phyllis Chesler, Ph.D. is emerita professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies at City University of New York. Well known author of fifteen books, including  Women and Madness (Doubleday, 1972),  The Death of Feminism: What's Next in the Struggle for Women's Freedom (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) and most recently, The New Anti-Semitism, she is the co-founder of the Association for Women in Psychology and the National Women's Health Network. Prof. Chesler is often on international media and is a frequent contributor to INN as well as FOX News, Middle East Quarterly and others. 


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4. EU Grants 10-Yr Duty-Free Status to PA Agro Products
by Chana Ya'ar 
EU: PA Produce to be Duty-Free

The European Union has given the PA in Judea, Samaria and Gaza a 10-year duty-free import trade status. 

Palestinian Authority business owners in Judea, Samaria and Gaza will be able to sell fresh produce, oils and fish products in the European Union at an attractive price. 

The deal, signed Wednesday, will allow PA farmers to export their goods in Europe duty-free for up to 10 years, with a review and possible extension after the first five years, according to a report posted on the EuroMed website

According to data released by the European Union, the agreement won't amount to much at this point. Last year's exports to the EU were primarily soy and sunflower seeds, oils and early potato shipments. The entire lot came to a total of 6.1 million euros, around $8 million. In exchange, the EU exported some 50.5 million euros' worth of goods to the PA. 

Under the current Interim Association Agreement, PA farmers are already able to market their industrial goods and industrial products, duty-free, in the EU markets. The new agreement was specifically mapped out to include agricultural and fishery products under the framework of the Barcelona Process, with negotiations conducted in accordance with the Euro-Mediterranean Roadmap for Agriculture (Rabat roadmap). 

Concern Over Jewish Goods

Reuters reports that the EU issued a statement saying it expects exports from the PA to further expand as the economy develops. What the EU's executive commission does not want, however, and what it bluntly said it was deeply concerned about, is the potential export of Jewish goods from the same areas. 

“We are aware that the true origin is a potential problem, so we shall be watching that closely,” said Roger Waite, spokesman for the Commission. 

The European Union has made no bones about the fact that it opposes Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria, and is deeply committed to ending Jewish construction in those regions. 

According to the ENPI (European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument) Information Center, PA Arabs are “extremely positive about their relations with the European Union, and have a strong appreciation of EU projects. There is also a marked desire for even more support.” 

Data gleaned from a survey conducted by the Opinion Polling and Research Project (OPPOL) to “generate better information about awareness, understanding and perception of the EU and the role it plays in the occupied Palestinian territory.” 

EU De Facto Recognition of 'Palestine'?

Within the body of document, the text of the survey report refers repeatedly to “Palestine” when discussing the findings of the study conducted in the Palestinian Authority areas.

In one section, the text actually refers outright to the entity as a country, thus already conferring upon it a political status that does not appear even to be close to being achieved by diplomatic negotiations. 

A tiny caveat on the right margin apologetically claims, “This publication does not represent the official view of the EC (European Commission) or the EU Institutions. The EC accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to its content.” Nevertheless, the entire document and the three-year survey effort that produced the report was funded by the European Union. 

Among respondents, 92 percent said that relations between the PA and the EU are good or fairly good, 86 percent said “the territory has benefited from EU policies in the country,” and 76 percent agreed that relations are good.  

The report also noted a significant disparity between the PA leadership and the grassroots population in the two groups' perceptions of the EU's involvement. 

While only 49 percent of the PA general public felt the EU involvement in the PA is appropriate, 89 percent of its leadership supported the EU in that role. Similarly, the report said 54 percent of the general public said it believed the EU could help “bring peace and stability to the country,” but 83 percent of “opinion leaders” held that belief as well. 

The ENPI is the main financial mechanism through which assistance is granted to the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Partner Countries, as well as Russia. ENPI South grants funds to the Palestinian Authority as well as to Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia.


5. PUAH Institute Holds its Annual Conference
by Elad Benari, Rochel Sylvetsky & Yoni Kempinski 
PUAH Institute Holds Conference

The PUAH Institute held on Wednesday its eleventh conference which dealt with doctors, rabbis, and the connection between the two. This year the conference was dedicated to the memory of the late Sephardi Chief Rabbi, Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, who was the spiritual and halakhic [Jewish legal] mentor of the institute and passed away this past June.  

Since its establishment in 1990, PUAH Institute has helped thousands of couples suffering from infertility. The organization deals with fertility issues in a halakhic framework in a frank, warm, friendly and highly professional manner, focusing on making couples feel cared about and providing real breakthroughs. PUAH Institute combines caring about women’s emotional and physical state with care for the wellbeing of the couple. 

Rabbi Gideon Weizman, head of the English Department of the PUAH Institute, told Israel National News TV that the organization’s annual conference, usually attended by close to 2,000 men and women, is the pinnacle of the work of the PUAH Institute throughout the year. Renowned rabbis such as Rabbi Dov Lior of Kiryat Arba, Dayan Rabbi Shlomo Daichovsky, Rabbi YIsrael Meir Lau, the current Chief Rabbis and others share the podium with heads of obstetrics, endocrinology, women's health and other major hospital departments and research institutes on a large variety of related issues. 

“I think that in a very clear way the medical side and the halakhic side not only do not contradict each other but in fact they complement each other,” said Rabbi Weizman. 

Dr. Shai Elitzur, IVF Unit Director at the Assuta Hospital in Tel Aviv, said that the connection which PUAH promotes between doctors and rabbis is “extremely important. The couple seeks our medical advice but they also seek the advice of the rabbis. It’s very important that we and the rabbis work together and understand each other’s abilities and views, and then we can give the couple the best advice to fit all their needs.” 

 “We have learned how to deal with the doctors; they’ve learned how to deal with us. We’ve learned how to accept each other,” said Rabbi Weizman. “We’ve also learned how to work together because really it’s about creating relationships. The doctors understand that we’re on the same side. We’re not doctors, we don’t give medical advice per se but we give medical direction that informs couples about new treatments. All of us are able to get them to relate to their doctors. Sometimes a doctor doesn’t know how to speak to a religious couple, that’s where we come in.” 

Dr. Elitzur noted that in terms of fertility and reproduction, Jewish Law is the most advanced and modern law compared to other religions. Rabbi Weizman noted that the situation in Israel in terms of treatments for infertility is excellent, since treatments are covered by the national health insurance. “The availability of this treatment [in Israel] is really giving us incredible advances," he said. “Israel is very much a central and an important part of the fertility community around the world.” 

The rabbis, he said, attend conferences, keep up with literature, and are in contact with experts and rabbis from around the world in order to be up-to-date on the latest information. Another important role the rabbis play is helping couples overcome their embarrassment and explaining to them what treatments are available and that treatment for infertility is halakhically permitted and encouraged. The late Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, the halakhic guide for the institute, held that the woman who actually gives birth  is the halakhic mother of a child,  paving the way for certain fertility procedures. 

Among the rabbis who spoke at Wednesday’s conference was Rabbi Yisrael Ariel of the Temple Institute, who gave a PowerPoint presentation on women's role in the Holy Temple, showing that they took active part in bringing Passover and other sacrifices, the seder meal, and first fruits, and had a special balcony for watching Sukkot celebrations so that they could rejoice as well. 

Rabbi Yoel Katan of Shaalvim Yeshiva, who has written halakhic papers on fertility issues together with his obstetrician-gynecologist. wife, Dr. Chana Katan, spoke about the use of elective artificial insemination in halakha and of its possible use to allow a person categorized as a “mamzer” (the offspring of a halakhically forbidden relationship such as incest which continues for several generations) to have children who are not categorized as such halakhically. Other rabbis disagreed with this interpretation, leading to a lively discussion that ended the conference. 

PUAH Institute's informative website is

6. Police: Fatal Attack on Christian Women was Terror
by Maayana Miskin 
Attack on Christians was Terror

Police have imposed a gag order on the stabbing of two Christian women near the city of Beit Shemesh on Saturday, but said Thursday they believe the stabbing was a terrorist attack. Earlier police had said the incident may have been criminally motivated. 

No terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the fatal attack. 

The victims, both Christian missionaries, had been hiking in the Jerusalem Forest when they were attacked by two Arab men bearing knives. American Kristine Luken was killed, and an Israeli immigrant from Britain, Kay Wilson, was badly hurt. 

Wilson told police that she survived the brutal attack Saturday by pretending to be dead. She was stabbed multiple times with a large serrated knife. 

At one point, she said, one of the Arab attackers ripped off a Star of David necklace she was wearing and then stabbed her in the chest where the star – which traditionally symbolizes Jewish identity – had lain. 

After the attackers left she was unable to call for help, as her severe injuries left her struggling for breath. However, she managed to stand and walk toward a nearby town, and found two families near the road who called for help. 

A memorial will be held for Luken on Thursday in a church in the Old City of Jerusalem. Luken, who will be buried in the United States, worked as the head of the British branch of Church Ministry among Jewish people (CMJ).  

Doctors say Wilson is recovering, and may even be released from the hospital by the weekend. She is an educator for Shoresh Tours, a CMJ branch that runs tours in Israel. 



7. PA: Hamas Plans 'Civil War' in Judea, Samaria
by Gil Ronen 
PA:  Hamas Plans 'Civil War'

Seventeen rockets and two rocket launchers were recently seized from the hands of Hamas men in Ramallah, a spokesman for the Palestinian Authority security forces said Wednesday. Reports did not specify what kind of rockets these were. 

Adnan Damiri, spokesman for the security forces in Judea and Samaria, told a news conference in Ramallah that the security forces discovered Hamas arms caches and money in both Ramallah and Shechem in recent weeks. These were not intended to be used against Israel, Damiri said, but against the PA, in order to undermine its rule in Judea and Samaria. 

Hamas was plotting to "start a civil war" in Judea and Samaria, he claimed. 

Senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk said in statements from Damascus Wednesday that the organization will not hold any talks with Fatah before the release of Hamas prisoners held in PA jails. 

"We cannot hold any reconciliation talks in light of the current conditions in the Palestinian Authority " he said, according to a report on EarthTimes. "Fatah and the PA have to release the prisoners who are on hunger strike in its jails." 

Damiri, on his side, said the Hamas prisoners have ended their hunger strike and were treated well.

8. China asks Israel to Help Fight Child Abuse
by Gil Ronen 
China: Help Us Fight Child Abuse

Israeli expertise in combating the phenomenon of child abuse is being exported to China for the first time.


This week a team from the Jerusalem-based Haruv Institute, which provides innovative training in identifying and fighting child abuse and neglect, is holding a five-day seminar for a group of 40 pediatricians from across China. The seminar is led by Dr. Yoram Ben Yehuda and Dr. Gabriel Otterman. Sanford R. Cardin, the president of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, which supports the Haruv Institute, is also attending.


The seminar seeks to provide the pediatricians, who often serve as the front line in identifying child abuse, with new tools and clinical skills with a focus on early detection. 


The training, which is taking place in Xi'an, a city of ten million in central China, will also include methods for documenting and treating cases of child abuse. Shaanxi Hospital in Xi’an invited Haruv's physicians after hearing about their expertise.


The seminar includes lectures, workshops, an examination of case studies, in-depth discussion and clinical, hands-on training. Some of the Chinese physicians will travel to Jerusalem for further training at the Haruv Institute.


Haruv said that this is the first time an Israeli delegation has been invited to another country to train others on the subject of preventing and treating child abuse and is "among the first times, if not the first time, that a Chinese institute has asked for such outside expertise on the matter."


The seminar's long-term goal is to train a core group of pediatricians in China to become experts in detecting and treating child abuse. They will then be able to transmit their knowledge and new tools to colleagues throughout the country, which is home to one of the largest populations of children in the world.


“The Chinese have recently realized that the role pediatricians play is a very integral one in fighting child abuse, and that often they will be the first place a child will go after being hurt,” said Professor Hillel Schmid, Director of the Haruv Institute. “This innovative and pioneering seminar aims to train these pediatricians with the necessary skills and knowledge to detect when a child is in danger and, furthermore, to have the resources and wherewithal to take the appropriate action.”


According to Schmid, the Chinese invitation is evidence of the Haruv Institute's growing international influence as leaders in providing knowledge and training in the prevention and treatment of child abuse. “Our goal is to expand our reach and to deepen our collaboration with the professional community in China to share with them the knowledge and skills we obtained in Israel to fight this phenomenon,” Schmid added. 

The Haruv Institute, established by the Schusterman Foundation – Israel, sees as its mission to establish, apply and disseminate new standards of excellence in the field of child abuse and neglect for all professionals and allied care-givers.

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