Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: January 2012

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       January 30, 2012
Testimonial-Ali-AbunimahAim to Promote Human Rights of the Palestinians
No real change can occur in the undeniable reality of the ruthless oppression practiced on all Palestinians by Zionist Israel without US support.
soldierVeterans Today
Program Supports Ready Reserve Soldiers, Families
ron-paul-iowaTom Valentine
What - Who is a Neocon? Ron Paul Speech Exposed Them in 2003
obama cartoonEd Mattson
The State of The Union is...Well... Really Awful!
women_healthVeterans Today
The Villages VA Outpatient Clinic Hosts Women Veterans Health Fair
vets homelessVeterans Today
VAPHS Director Honored for Leading Quest to End Homelessness
vt-top-1011Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - January 30, 2011
Israelis mark Holocaust Memorial Day in JerusalemAlan Hart
Is Israel on the Road to Self-Destruction?
target-iran1Stephen Lendman
Targeting Iranian Nationals
Eric-Hoffer_bustJim W. Dean
A Salute to Eric Hoffer and Gordon Duff - On Original Ideas
timmerman_journalismJim Fetzer
Kenneth R. Timmerman: Award Winning Journalist or Political Hack?
Veteran News Now    Editor
- New York AG Eric Schneiderman Task Force Will Go After Stuff That Blew up Economy
Veteran News Now    Editor
- Advice: File Your Claims and Get Your Benefits
Veteran News Now    Anthony Hardie
- Gulf War Illness-A New Plan Takes Shape
Veteran News Now    Editor
- The Conservative Mind: Reactionary, Statist and Hateful; Oakland Is but One Example
Veteran News Now    Editor
- Smoking gun on Scott Walker in John Doe criminal investigation
Military Veteran Job News    Liz Reed
- VA to Host Mid-Atlantic Job Fair
Military Veteran Job News    Liz Reed
- National Unemployment Falls,But Veterans Aren't Feeling the Relief
Military Veteran Job News    Liz Reed
- Hire Heroes USA & IVY Buchead Team Up to "Show Love For The Troops"
VA Home Loan News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Obama "Sounding" Strong at the State of the Union
VA Home Loan News    Charles G. Fawkes
- VA Home Loans not Affected by S&P's U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade

9/11 - Economy - Editors Picks - Health - Living - Military - Politics - Vet News - WarZone - World -
Sherwood Ross
What Role Did U.S. Play in 2010 Massacre in Jamaica?
To what extent, if any, did the U.S. Department of Homeland Security(DHS) participate in the slaughter of scores of Kingston, Jamaica's, Tivoli Gardens residents on May 24th, 2010? »»
Veterans Today
VA Announces Changes to Emergency Care Payment Policy
The Department of Veterans Affairs announced today a change in regulations regarding payments for emergency care provided to eligible Veterans in non-VA facilities. »»
Stephen Lendman
Forecasting Economic Decline
Economic analyst Harry Dent's 2009 book, titled "The Great Depression Ahead" became a national bestseller. He predicted the current crisis and worse ahead. »»
economic decline
It's never too late to learn.
Veterans Today
The Fruit that Did Not Fall
Current news from Spain, France, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, England, the Malvinas and several other parts of the planet are serious and all foretell political and economic disaster due to the foolhardiness of the United States and its allies. »»
Bob Johnson
Happy Birthday Thomas Paine!
"I have always regarded Paine as one of the greatest of all Americans. Never have we had a sounder intelligence in this republic . . . »»
Thomas Paine
Eileen Fleming
I Am Eileen Fleming and I Approve This Message
The first political radio interview from a candidate of conscience who will never be a 'good politician' for she tells the truth. »»
Jere Beery
Minnesota Veteran Returns War Medals in Protest
"My ex-wife didn't serve in Vietnam, I did. She wasn't forced to killed people, I was. She wasn't the one severely wounded, I was. »»
Stephen Lendman
ACTA: Worse Than SOPA and PIPA
Internet freedom's on the line. SOPA and PIPA threatened Net Neutrality and free expression. So does ACTA. More on it below. »»
Joshua Blakeney
Obama Claims Iran is "Isolated" When the Opposite is True
Obama claims "a world once divided [on Iran]. . .now stands as one" and that Iran is "isolated". Is it Iran or the US & Israel who are "isolated"? »»
Gordon Duff
Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America
It is our job to put out a story we are largely unauthorized to tell. »»

Center for American Progress
Exit Ahead
Ann Garcia and Philip E. Wolgin highlight statistics that show the power of Florida's Latino voters, and the important role they will play this election season.

More: The Top 10 Things You Should Know About Florida's Latinos and Immigrants

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Tycoon Prokhorov's Tentative Challenge to Putin 
Some see Russian presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov, one of the
world's richest men, as a Kremlin puppet, even though he has supporters
among the Moscow protesters and oligarchs tired of Vladimir Putin. But
he is challenging Putin in the campaign by calling for more
privatization and less government.,1518,812270,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: A Challenge to Putin

Interview with Putin Challenger Prokhorov: 'In the Worst Case there'll
be Civil War',1518,812309,00.html#ref=nlint


'In the Worst Case there'll be Civil War'
Mikhail Prokhorov is one of the wealthiest men in Russia and now he
wants to enter the Kremlin, planning to challenge Vladimir Putin in the
2012 presidential election. Speaking to SPIEGEL ONLINE he speaks out
against Russia's political class and urges the release of oil magnate
Mikhail Khodorkovsky.,1518,812309,00.html#ref=nlint


Oligarch's Election Bid: Tycoon Prokhorov's Tentative Challenge to Putin,1518,812270,00.html#ref=nlint


EU Summit Marred by Fears of German Domination
Angela Merkel got the green light for her fiscal pact at Monday's EU
summit but struggled to allay new fears of German domination. The
planned message of the meeting -- a commitment to jobs and growth -- was
drowned out by controversy following German calls to put Greece's budget
under EU control.,1518,812398,00.html#ref=nlint


A Bluffing Game: European Politicians in Denial as Greece Unravels,1518,812194,00.html#ref=nlint


Europe May Be Planning 1.5 Trillion Euro Backstop Fund
The permanent euro backstop fund ESM is due to replace the European
Financial Stability Facility this year. But both 500 billion-euro funds
could be merged and added to a third from the International Monetary
Fund to create a super debt firewall, according to media reports from


Can Egypt Make Democracy Work?
One year after the revolution, Egypt may have a parliament, but it still
has a long way to go before it can call itself a true democracy. The
ultra-conservative Salafists have misgivings about the parliamentary
system, while secular politicians worry that the Muslim Brotherhood and
the military council are making deals behind the scenes.,1518,812196,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: Egypt Moves Toward Democracy


'Patients Who Had Been Electrically Shocked'
Doctors Without Borders suspended its work in the Libyan city of Misrata
last week because prison officials repeatedly brought torture victims in
for treatment -- only to return them to interrogation after they
received medical care. SPIEGEL spoke with the group's general director,
Christopher Stokes, about the situation in Libya.,1518,812396,00.html#ref=nlint


Risk of 'Accidental' Gulf War on the Rise
The concentration of naval power in the Strait of Hormuz is heightening
the risk of a fourth Gulf war, even though the show of force may be
nothing more than posturing by the West and Iran in the run-up to
negotiations. The stretch of water, 34 miles at its narrowest point, is
the aorta of the oil trade.,1518,812199,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: Show of Force in the Gulf


European Cold Front 'Cooper' Sponsored by Mini
Dozens of people have been killed so far as a high pressure system from
Siberia holds much of Europe in its icy grip. The cold front has been
named "Cooper" in Germany, after the Mini Cooper compact. The company's
advertising agency having paid 299 euros to sponsor it.,1518,812461,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: Frosty Europe Catches a Chill


'A Sarkozy Loss Would Be Severe Setback for Berlin'
French President Nicolas Sarkozy is facing a steep uphill battle in
his campaign for re-election. On Sunday, he announced a cornucopia of
new policy proposals in a last ditch effort to inject life into the
French economy. German commentators don't think it will be enough.,1518,812477,00.html#ref=nlint


Merkel Gets Her Fiscal Pact: EU Summit Marred by Fears of German


Labor of Love,1518,812573,00.html#ref=nlint

Le contrat en or du Rafale en Inde relance Dassault Aviation

L'Inde va équiper son armée de l'air du Rafale de Dassault, l'avion de chasse qui jusqu'à maintenant n'équipait que l'armée française   DECRYPTAGE Soupçonné de vivre grassement sur le dos de l'armée française, l'avionneur a réussi un joli coup en gagnant l'appel d'offres géant qui prévoit l'achat de 126 avions de combat Rafale d'une valeur de 12 milliards de dollars.

Rouler sur autoroute va vous coûter 8 centimes du kilomètre

La hausse des péages d'autoroute au 1er février 2012 atteint en moyenne 2,5%.   Les sociétés d’autoroute révisent à la hausse le prix des péages ce mercredi. L’augmentation oscille entre 2,05% pour Escota et 2,58% pour le réseau très emprunté d’APRR. Depuis 2005, les tarifs ont évolué nettement plus vite que l’inflation.

La filière nucléaire a coûté 228 milliards d'euros à la France

Vue de la centrale nucléaire de Fessenheim en juin 2011   La Cour des comptes a chiffré tous les investissements dans l'électricité nucléaire en France depuis les années 1950, et fait part de ses incertitudes quant aux coûts futurs.

Comment faire fortune dans la musique

Le DJ français David Guetta le 9 décembre 2011 au Madison Square Garden de New York  
TCHAT Comment gagner de l'argent en faisant de la musique ? Serge Assayag, Associé au cabinet Weave, répond à vos questions.

Ces Chinois qui s'emparent des marques de luxe françaises

Défilé Sonia Rykiel en octobre 2011. La marque va passer sous pavillon chinois.   DECRYPTAGE Fung Brands, la société hongkongaise qui va reprendre Sonia Rykiel n'en est pas à son coup d'essai. D'autres groupes chinois ont déjà raflé des grands noms du luxe français comme Lanvin ou Dupont. Et leurs emplettes vont se poursuivre.

Le moteur de la consommation est-il en train de se gripper ?

La consommation en France a plongé en décembre. Sur l'ensemble de l'année 2011, la baisse atteint 0,5%   DECRYPTAGE Selon l'Insee, les ménages français ont réduit leurs dépenses de 1,2 milliard d'euros en décembre. Un plongeon spectaculaire qui ne s'explique pas seulement par la clémence de la météo.

Twitter rame pour justifier sa nouvelle politique de censure

12 02 09 Photo Une Challenges Twitter Sipa   La mise en place d'un système de censure pays par pays provoque la polémique sur Internet. Le PDG de Twitter se défend de tout appel du pied envers la Chine.

Bettencourt : les enregistrements pirates validés par la Cour

Liliane Bettencourt   La Cour de cassation a validé la procédure issue des enregistrements pirates qui avaient donné en 2010 à l'affaire Bettencourt un tour politico-financier. 

Immobilier: 2011 restera comme l'année de tous les records à Paris

Vue aérienne de Paris   8.390 euros le m2, c'est le prix moyen atteint cet automne dans la capitale. Du jamais vu, de mémoire de notaire.

Samsung visé par une enquête pour abus de position dominante

BÉNÉFICE RECORD POUR SAMSUNG AU 4E TRIMESTRE   La Commission européenne veut vérifier si le géant coréen a abusé de ses droits sur ses brevets pour biaiser la concurrence sur le marché de la téléphonie mobile.
Eeerz, le lapin crētin version pop art
Eeerz, le lapin crētin version pop art

Sarkozy a-t-il été convaincant ?
Sarkozy a-t-il été convaincant ?

Laurent Habib : le Made in France et le risque de la nostalgie
Laurent Habib : le Made in France et le risque de la nostalgie

Luc Ferry : le paradoxe du bobo
Luc Ferry : le paradoxe du bobo

Hollande 2012 : Sapin juge réaliste les 3% de déficit public en 2013
Hollande 2012 : Sapin juge réaliste les 3% de déficit public en 2013

Par Anne-Marie Rocco Pour l'UMP, la parité est bonne pour les conseils d'administration, pas pour l'hémicycle
Par Anne-Marie Rocco
Par Marco Mosca Eeerz, le lapin crétin version pop art
Par Marco Mosca
Par Jeanne Dussueil Réseaux pro 2.0 : la réponse des femmes pour entreprendre
Par Jeanne Dussueil
Par Gilles Fontaine Julian Assange et Wikileaks récupérés par le Kremlin ?
Par Gilles Fontaine
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