Editor LIBERAL PROGRESS REPORT! While some of us are committed to change for its own sake, others seek no change at all by any means necessary. »»
Editor Our Country is in Tatters! There is no question that our country is in tatters. But, one question does remain: Is the sun setting or rising on our society? »»
Gordon Duff America after Sandy Hook, Disarmed and Silenced.. there is irrefutable proof that plans are in motion to put police agencies in control of all information published on the internet, approval will be needed for, not just "facts," whatever they are, but opinions as well. »»
Veterans Today Our Country is in Tatters!.. CNN recently reported that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced that his department would lift the ban on women serving in combat, marking another significant milestone for equality in our nation.»»
Preston James, Ph.D Terror Factory America The American people are starting to understand that the War on Terror is a phony that is perpetrated by the American Military through hired cutouts »»