Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday 30 May 2013

Raw Story
Cop kills Costco worker who ‘frightened’ her boss with knife

Grandma finds loaded gun on Walt Disney World ride

Tea partier: Way to change Susan Collins’ mind on immigration is to ‘shoot her’

Rep. Rush blasts Sen. Kirk’s ‘elitist white boy’ plan to jail ‘18,000 black men’

Iran amends stoning-for-adultery law to allow judges discretion on type of execution

Fox Business host: Cut government because ‘no one’ died of starvation before welfare

Toronto mayor verified existence of crack-smoking video to staff weeks ago

Fox contributor: Liberals who reject that men should dominate women are anti-science

New Minnesota law spawns fresh lawsuits over decades-old priest sex abuse

Christian radio host upset by female breadwinners: Women not designed to be providers

Starbucks ‘toilet water’ coffee prompts outrage in Hong Kong

Louisiana lawmakers kill repeal of unconstitutional creationism law

High doses of pain-killers such as ibuprofen ‘can cause heart attack’
Dartmouth protest

Jane Lynch and Jordan Peele sing ‘Epic Church and State Breakup’ in bizarre video


UN scientists warn of massive jellyfish overpopulation in the Mediterranean



Hollywood filmmakers engage in ‘artistic surrender’ to keep markets in China open

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Florida courthouse to see country’s first atheist monument

John Tierney
Thirty-mile ‘ice jam’ floods Alaska town and forces residents to flee