Russia: Impunity for attacks and threats against journalists must end
The Russian Federation has failed to respond adequately to crimes against journalists, including murders, physical attacks and threats, creating a climate of impunity that only encourages more severe violations of freedom of expression. Not a single case documented by ARTICLE 19 since 2000, has been fully solved – with instigators and the vast majority of perpetrators remaining at large. Read more >VIDEO - RUSSIA: JOURNALISTS UNDER ATTACK
Mikhail Beketov, Editor in Chief of local newspaper Khimki Pravda, faced numerous threats as a result of critical articles his paper published regarding a controversial road project set to destroy parts of Khimki forest, near Moscow. In 2008, he was severely beaten with metal rods in a violent attack that left him crippled. Beketov later died in 2013 from health complications connected to his injuries, while the instigators behind his attack have still not been brought to justice.
Vietnam: Arbitrary detention of Mr. Le Quoc Quan
The signatory organizations request the release of Mr. Le Quoc Quan, a well-respected human rights lawyer and blogger. Mr. Le Quoc Quan was arrested on 27 December 2012 on alleged charges of tax evasion. Following his arrest, he was held incommunicado and denied permission to see his lawyer for two months. Repeated requests by his family to visit him were also denied.
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Brazil: Special Rapporteurs for freedom of expression affirm right to free expression
In a debate held on August 18 at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo, the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS, Catalina Botero, and the former UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Frank La Rue, spoke of the importance of guaranteeing the right to free expression and freedom of expression of citizens.
Azerbaijan: Investigate brutal attack on journalist
The brutal attack on the journalist Ilgar Nasibov, in Nakhichevan, Azerbaijan, is an outrage and Azerbaijan’s authorities should ensure a prompt, effective and impartial investigation
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Mexico: Government reports that violate human rights
On 2 September, President Enrique Peña Nieto and seven Mexican State governors will present their 2014 annual government report, which they are obliged to do by law in order to be accountable to their citizens. This event will mark an increase in the citizens’ exposure to commercials and other forms of government advertising, since a worrying exception in the electoral law allows the media to inundate public spaces with advertising from the party of the current government leader for 12 days throughout September.
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Kazakhstan: How ‘forgiveness’ can chill freedom of expression
Whenever our journalists get in trouble with the law, for example when they face criminal charges or when they are imprisoned, I try to imagine if the same thing could happen in a democratic country. So this is the question I asked myself when thinking about the recent tale of Valery Surganov.
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Threats, interrogations and arrests: some of the consequences of practicing free speech in Iran
Reports emerged this week indicating that around 50 students and political activist were threatened by Iranian intelligence police and interrogated, some under the charge of “propaganda against the state”. In the reports it is mentioned that these persons were first summoned by a phone call. Those detained were then required to “post bail or provide a warranty to secure their release.”
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