Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Business Insider
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September 04, 2014
Wall Street Declares The Great Profit Margin Boom Is Finally OverWall Street Declares The Great Profit Margin Boom Is Finally Over

During the post-financial crisis bull market, corporations have seen... Read»
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The 'God' Of Oil Trading Warns America's Shale Boom Will Fizzle And That Oil Prices Will Hit $150
The 'God' Of Oil Trading Warns America's Shale Boom Will Fizzle And That Oil Prices Will Hit $150
One of the most successful oil traders alive thinks America's shale... Read»
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REPORTS: Tesla Chooses Nevada For Site Of Its Massive Battery Factory
REPORTS: Tesla Chooses Nevada For Site Of Its Massive Battery Factory
CNBC is reporting Tesla has chosen Nevada as the site of its Gigafactory...  Read»
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This Is The Stunningly Grim Economic Picture Mario Draghi Will Have To Address On Thursday
This Is The Stunningly Grim Economic Picture Mario Draghi Will Have To Address On Thursday
The European Central Bank is set to announce its latest monetary policy...  Read»
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The 27 Most Competitive Countries In The World
The World Economic Forum has released its annual...  Read»
US Auto Sales Crush Expectations
August turned out to be a huge month for auto sales. The annualized...  Read»
If You Take 6 Years To Graduate From College, The Value Of Your Degree Will Be Cut Nearly In Half
The rate of return for students who finish their degree in six...  Read»
Here's Today's Horrible Datapoint Out Of Europe
Here's Today's Horrible Datapoint Out Of Europe
Here's today's horrible datapoint out of Europe. According to Eurostat...  Read»
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BILL GROSS: The 'Animal Spirits' We Need For Economic Growth Currently Do Not Exist
BILL GROSS: The 'Animal Spirits' We Need For Economic Growth Currently Do Not Exist
PIMCO's Bill Gross is out with his latest investment outlook letter, and...  Read»
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Here's How The Market Reacted To The Cease-Fire Confusion In Ukraine This Morning
Here's How The Market Reacted To The Cease-Fire Confusion In Ukraine This Morning
This morning there's been some confusion in Ukraine, as the Ukrainian...  Read»
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Here's A 10-Second Guide To What Traders Are Talking About This Morning
Here's A 10-Second Guide To What Traders Are Talking About This Morning
From Dave Lutz at JonesTrading, here's what traders are talking about...  Read»
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Three Forces Came Together To Make August The Best Month For Auto Sales In Over 8 Years
Three Forces Came Together To Make August The Best Month For Auto Sales In Over 8 Years
The pace of auto sales in the U.S. blew away expectations in August...
We're Witnessing A Dangerous 'Evaporation Of Bears' In The Stock Market
We're Witnessing A Dangerous 'Evaporation Of Bears' In The Stock Market
At 2,000, the S&P 500 is right near its all-time high. It's up an...
This Hideous Chart Shows Draghi's Deflation Nightmare Is Coming True In Europe
This Hideous Chart Shows Draghi's Deflation Nightmare Is Coming True In Europe
The ECB won't solve the euro crisis.
Economic Activity Expands In All Fed Districts
Economic Activity Expands In All Fed Districts
The Federal Reserve just released its latest Beige Book report. The...

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