Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

The Blood-dimmed Tide is Loosed
Isis Isn't the first Group to Use the Butcher's Knife as an Instrument of Policy

By Robert Fisk

Not since the Nazis have we had culprits documenting their war crimes on such a scale.

You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia

By Alastair Crooke

"Those who would not conform to this view should be killed, their wives and daughters violated, and their possessions confiscated, he wrote. "

To Really Combat Terror, End Support for Saudi Arabia

By Owen Jones

According to Clinton's leaked memo, Saudi donors constituted "the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide".

How the NSA Helped Turkey Kill Kurdish Rebels

By Laura Poitras

On a December night in 2011, a terrible thing happened on Mount Cudi, near the Turkish-Iraqi border. One side described it as a massacre; the other called it an accident.

But Is It Good for the Jews?"

By Lawrence Davidson

Zionism failed the Jews by insisting on an Israel for one group alone. That insistence has inevitably led to racism, discrimination and ethnic cleansing.

First Interview with George Galloway MP Since Violent Attack


British MP George Galloway speaks to Nargess Moballeghi about the incident.

Novorussia: Independent, Associated or (Con)federated?

By The Saker

The US Empire's AngloZionist project AND the Ukie Nazi experiment must absolutely and definitely be defeated and conditions must be created which will forever prevent it's reemergence.

Disinformation, Hysteria and Justification for a NATO Buildup on Russia's Borders

By Paul Craig Roberts

There are only two conclusions that can be reached about the Western media: Either it is completely stupid or completely corrupt.

In Case You Missed It
The End Of Democracy As We Knew It

By Bernd Hamm

"Yes, there is another government concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue"

Goon Thugs and Gullible Conservatives

By Paul Craig Roberts

Gratuitous police violence in America is totally out of control.

The Last Gasp of Climate Change Liberals

By Chris Hedges

What we need is direct action against the United Nations during the meeting. This should include blockades and disruption of the meeting itself. We need to highlight the fact that the United Nations has sold out to corporate interests.

H a r l a n C o u n t y USA


Least we think that America was built by the starched shirts and expensive suits featured on FOX News and CNN.

Hard News

Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As - :
Violence In Iraq Killed At Least 1,420 In August:
At least 1,420 people were killed in Iraq in August, the United Nations said on Monday, as sectarian violence raged in the center and north of the country.

13 killed in bomb attacks in Baghdad:
Thirteen people were killed and 45 others injured when two car bombs exploded in Bayaa area, southeastern Baghdad, the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity, adding that the huge blast also destroyed several nearby buildings and civilian cars.

Iraq retakes more towns from Islamic State:
Kurdish forces and Shia armed volunteers kill at least two senior Islamic State fighters as they make military gains.

ISIS Militants Behead Lebanese Soldier and Hold 18 More:
Members of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have beheaded a Lebanese soldier who was one of 19 captured when militants seized a Lebanese border town for a few days this month. A video of the beheading was posted on social media sites on Saturday.

Syrian Militants Present List of Demands for Release of Fijian Peacekeepers - Reports:
The al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front has announced the requirements for the release of 45 peacekeepers from Fiji, the Associated Press reported, citing a representative of the Fiji army.

3 executed by Al-Qaida gunmen in Yemen:
Gunmen of the Yemen-based al- Qaida branch on Monday executed three local residents accused of collaborating with the United States in southeastern province of Hadramout , a Yemeni military official told Xinhua.

Aerial and panoramic views show devastation in Gaza: Video -
See for yourself:

Nigeria: Boko Haram Loses 59 in Clash with Military:
In an attempt to expand their caliphate to cover another major Borno town, Bama, the outlawed Boko Haram sect met their Waterloo as 59 members of the terrorist sect were said to have been felled in an exchange of firepower with the Nigerian Army on Monday.

Libya: 13 killed in Benghazi clashes, Tripoli under militia control:
At least 13 people have been killed and 45 wounded in clashes between Islamists and forces of renegade general allied to the regular army in Libya's eastern Benghazi city, medics said on Monday.

Government says has lost grip on Libyan capital:
Libya's toothless outgoing government admitted on Monday from its safe refuge in the east of the country that it has in effect lost control of Tripoli to armed militias.

Libyan PM re-appointed amid chaos:
Libya's parliament reappointed Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni on Monday as the government lost control of ministries in the capital where armed groups have taken over and a separate parliament has claimed legitimacy.

Local Taliban commanders among 41 killed in Afghan operations:
Taliban rebels killedAt least 41 Taliban militants including their local commanders were killed following joint military operations by Afghan national security forces in the past 24 hours.

Pakistani killed in Nangarhar drone strike:
Afghan officials claimed a Pakistani national was killed in a strike by a drone and another was arrested in the eastern Nangarhar province

Abdullah deadline puts Afghan election in peril:
Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah on Monday issued another ultimatum over the disputed election result, threatening to withdraw from all efforts to negotiate a solution to the deepening political crisis.

Anti-PM protesters storm Pakistan broadcaster:
Demonstrators enter building of Pakistan TV, briefly forcing it off air, amid continuing demands for PM to step down.

Ukraine's troops retreat from vital airport:
Soldiers abandon defence of an airport in Luhansk after heavy clashes with what Kiev says are Russian tanks.

Ukraine crisis: Government setbacks in Luhansk and Donetsk:
Ukrainian forces have suffered a series of setbacks, as pro-Russian rebels advance in the east of the country. Officials said nearly 700 soldiers had been taken prisoner since the rebel offensive began.

Lavrov: No Russian Intervention in Ukraine:
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia would not intervene militarily in Ukraine, defying reports by the Ukrainian government, NATO and Western nations that Russia has already sent troops, artillery and tanks across Ukraine's southeast border to reinforce the separatists.

Putin breaks ground on Russia-China gas pipeline, world's biggest:
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli have launched the construction of the first part of Gazprom's Power of Siberia pipeline - which will deliver 4 trillion cubic meters of gas to China over 30 years.

Which country relies most heavily on Russian gas?:
Germany relies on imports to supply more than 70% of its domestic energy demand, with Russia alone representing a quarter of the country's imports of natural gas, oil, and coal.

David Cameron outlines new anti-terror measures to MPs:
New powers are needed to seize terrorist suspects' passports and stop British-born extremists from returning to the UK, David Cameron has said.

Man denies assaulting MP Galloway:
A 39-year-old man has pleaded not guilty to assaulting MP George Galloway in a London street.

The USA's Haitian Puppet Targets Jean Bertrand Aristide yet again: Analysis :
No evidence of corruption has ever been found to incriminate the former Haitian leader, who was overthrown by a US led coup.

This 11-Year-Old Was Locked Up Trying to Cross the Border.
Read the Heartfelt Letter She Sent Obama.

Hundreds demand justice for Ferguson teen:
Crowd back on streets in Missouri town, three weeks after police shot and killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.

21 Things You Can't Do While Black in the USA: :
In the United States, sometimes your skin color is evidence enough against you.