Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 4 September 2014

The European Union Times

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 04:40 AM PDT

Herbert E. Meyer, a nutcase who was a special assistant to the CIA director for a period during the Reagan administration, has penned an article calling for Russian President Putin’s assassination. If we have “ to get him out of the Kremlin feet-first with a bullet hole in the back of his head, that would be okay with us.”
As the crazed Meyer illustrates, the insanity that Washington has released upon the world knows no restraint. Jose Manual Barroso, installed as Washington’s puppet as European Commission President, misrepresented his recent confidential telephone conversation with Russia’s President Putin by telling the media that Putin issued a threat: “If I want to, I can take Kiev in two weeks.”
Clearly, Putin did not issue a threat. A threat would be inconsistent with Putin’s entire unprovocative approach to the strategic threat that Washington and its NATO puppets have brought to Russia in Ukraine. Russia’s permanent representative to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, said that if Barroso’s lie stands, Russia will make public the full recording of the conversation.
Anyone familiar with the disparity between the Ukrainian and Russian militaries knows full well that it would take the Russian military 14 hours, not 14 days, to take all of Ukraine. Just remember what happened to the American and Israeli trained and equipped Georgian Army when Washington and Tel Aviv set its stupid Georgian puppets on South Ossetia. The American and Israeli trained and equipped Georgian army collapsed under Russian counterattack in 5 hours.
The lie that Washington’s puppet Barroso told was not worthy of a serious person. But where in Europe is there a serious person in power? Nowhere. The few serious people are all out of power. Consider the NATO Secretary General, Anders Rasmussen. He was a prime minister of Denmark who saw he could rise beyond Denmark by serving as Washington’s puppet. As prime minister he strongly supported Washington’s illegal invasion of Iraq, declaring that “we know that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction.” Of course, the fool didn’t know any such thing, and why would it matter if Iraq did have such weapons. Many countries have weapons of mass destruction.
According to the rule that anyone who serves Washington is elevated, the cipher Rasmussen was elevated.
The problem with elevating unprincipled fools is that they risk the world for their career. Rasmussen has now put the entirety of Eastern and Western Europe at risk of annihilation. Rasmussen has announced the creation of a blitzkrieg spearhead force capable of blitzkrieg attack on Russia. What Washington’s puppet calls “the Readiness Action Plan” is justified as a response to “Russia’s aggressive behavior in Ukraine.”
Rasmussen’s “lightening spearhead force” would be instantly wiped out along with every European capital. What kind of idiot provokes a nuclear superpower in this way?
Rasmussen asserts “Russia’s aggressive behavior” but has no evidence of it. Russia has stood on the sidelines while Washington’s puppet government in Kiev has shelled and bombed civilian housing, hospitals, schools and issued a constant stream of lies against Russia. Russia denied the requests of the now independent eastern and southern provinces of Ukraine, former Russian territories, to be reunited with Russia. As readers know, I regard Putin’s decision as a mistake, but events might prove me wrong and that is OK with me. For now, the fact is that every act of aggressive behavior is the result of the US and EU support of the Kiev nazis. It is the Ukrainian nazi militias that are attacking civilians in the former Russian territories of eastern and southern Ukraine. A number of regular Ukrainian military units have defected to the independent republics.
Yes, nazis. Western Ukraine is the home of the Ukrainian SS divisions that fought for Hitler. Today the militias organized by the Right Sector and other right-wing political organizations wear the nazi insignia of the Ukrainian SS divisions. These are the people that Washington and the EU support. If the Ukrainian nazis could win against Russia, which they cannot, they would turn on the stupid West, just as has the Washington-funded ISIS that the dumbshits in Washington unleashed on Libya and Syria. Now ISIS is remaking the Middle East, and Washington appears helpless.
William Binney, a former high level official in the US National Security Agency, along with colleagues from the CIA and military intelligence services, have written to German chancellor Merkel advising her to beware of Obama’s lies at the upcoming NATO summit in Wales. The US intelligence officials advise Merkel to remember Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction” and don’t again be deceived, this time into conflict with Russia.
The question is: who does Merkel represent? Washington or Germany? So far Merkel has represented Washington, not German business interests, not the German people, and not Germany’s interests as a country. Here is a protest in Dresden where a crowd prevents Merkel’s speech with shouts of “kriegstreiber” (warmonger), “liar, liar,” and “no war with Russia.”
My Ph.D. dissertation chairman, who became a high Pentagon official assigned to wind down the Vietnam war, in answer to my question about how Washington gets Europeans to always do what Washington wants replied: “Money, we give them money.” “Foreign aid?” I asked. “No, we give the European political leaders bagfuls of money. They are for sale, We bought them. They report to us.” Perhaps this explains Tony Blair’s $50 million fortune one year out of office.
The Western media, the largest whorehouse on earth, is desperate for war. The editorial board of the Washington Post, now a trophy newspaper in the hands of’s billionaire owner, ran an editorial on August 31 that projected all of Washington’s (and the Post’s) lies upon Putin.’s owner might know how to market products on the Internet, but he is hopeless when it comes to running a newspaper. His editors at the Washington Post have made his trophy a worldwide laughing stock.
Here are the mindless accusations against Putin from the idiots that the billionaire put in charge of his trophy newspaper:
Putin, bitterly resentful at the loss of power from the Soviet collapse, has “resurrected the tyranny of the Big Lie” in order to reconstitute the Russian Empire.
“Russian sponsored militias in Ukraine” are responsible for the “shoot-down of the Malaysian airliner in July.” The “Russian state-controlled media” lied and misrepresented to the Russian people the party responsible for downing the airliner.
“In the absence of independent and free reporting, few Russians realize that Russian soldiers and armaments are in action in eastern Ukraine, albeit (as in Crimea) in uniforms and vehicles stripped of their identifying insignia and license plates. With no free media, Russians are left to fend for themselves against a firestorm of falsehoods.”
“Mr. Putin’s Big Lie shows why it is important to support a free press where it still exists and outlets like Radio Free Europe that bring the truth to people who need it.”
As a former Wall Street Journal editor, I can say with complete confidence that such extraordinary propaganda posing as an editorial would have resulted in the immediate firing of all concerned. In my days on the Congressional staff, the Washington Post was regarded as a CIA asset. Today the Post has sunk far below this status.
I have seen much media propaganda in my day, but this Washington Post editorial takes the cake. The editorial shows that either the editorial writers are completely ignorant or they are completely corrupt and also assume that their readers are completely ignorant. If Russian military units were in action in eastern Ukraine, the situation would be precisely as Alexander Zakharchenko and Dmitry Orlov describe. would no longer exist. Ukraine would again be part of Russia where it was for centuries prior to Washington taking advantage of the Soviet collapse to tear Ukraine away from Russia.
The question before us is: how long will Russia’s patience last with the West’s enormous lies and provocations? No matter how restrained Russia is, Russia is accused of the worst. Therefore, Russia might as well inflict the worst.
At what point will the Russian government decide that Washington’s mendacity, and that of its European puppets and corrupt Western media, render hopeless Russia’s efforts to resolve the situation with diplomacy and unprovocative behavior? As Russia is constantly accused falsely of invading Ukraine, when will the Russian government decide that as Western propaganda has established that Russia has invaded Ukraine and has imposed sanctions and new military bases on Russia’s borders because of the alleged invasion, Russia might as well go ahead and rid themselves of the problem Washington has brought to Russia and invade Ukraine?
There is nothing that NATO could do about it if Russia decides that Ukraine in Washington’s hands is too much of a strategic threat to Russia and reincorporates Ukraine again into Russia where it has resided for centuries. Any NATO force sent would be instantly wiped out. The German population, remembering the consequences of war with Russia, would overthrow Washington’s puppet government. NATO and the EU would collapse as Germany departed the absurd construct that serves Washington’s interest at the expense of Europe.
Once this happens, the world will have peace. But not until.
For those who care to understand how the land of lies works, Washington’s puppet government in Kiev attributes the defeat of its military forces by the Donetsk Republic to the presence in the Donetsk army of Russian military units. This is the propaganda that has gone out to western Ukraine and to the presstitute western media, a collection of whores that echo the propaganda without any investigation whatsoever. However, Kiev has a different story for the IMF. Kiev cannot receive IMF money with which to pay off its Western creditors if Ukraine is at war. Therefore, Ukraine tells the IMF the opposite story: Russia has not attacked Ukraine.
The Western media remains uninterested in any facts. Just the lies. Only the lies.
The Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, Fox “news,” Die Welt, the French press, the British press all plead: “please Washington give us more sensational lies that we can trumpet. Our circulation needs it. Who cares about war and the human race if only we can regain financial stability.”
Posted: 03 Sep 2014 04:06 AM PDT
A girl walks past a slogan painted on a wall reading “Stop Ebola” in Monrovia on August 31, 2014.
An experimental US Ebola vaccine is being trialed on humans at the country’s National Institutes of Health (NIH)’s campus in Bethesda, Maryland.
The vaccine has been developed by the agency’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and GlaxoSmithKline.
Twenty healthy adult volunteers are being tested. The NIH will see if the vaccine is safe and triggers an adequate response in their immune systems.
An outbreak of the disease in West Africa has killed at least 1,500.
NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci has said the vaccine had worked in tests on monkeys.
“All the other monkeys, the control monkeys, that were given a lethal dose of Ebola all died. All of the animals who were vaccinated survived. So the results were pretty crisp and clear cut,” he said.
Later in September, the NIH and a British team will test that vaccine on volunteers in the United Kingdom, Gambia, and Mali.
Ebola spreads through contact with bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, and sweat. It has killed around two-thirds of those it has infected over the last four decades, with two outbreaks registering fatality rates approaching 90 percent.
There is currently no known cure for Ebola. Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone are grappling with the disease, which has also spread to Nigeria.
Posted: 03 Sep 2014 02:44 AM PDT

Firebrand Indian politician Asaduddin Owaisi has called upon Indian Muslims to join Pakistani forces in case India attacks the country, a poster making rounds on social media claims. The Hindi poster that has Owaisi’s picture reads, “Hindus should not consider Indian Muslims separated from their fellow Muslims of Pakistan. If India dares to attack Pakistan, 250 million Indian Muslims will join Pakistan army to wage war against India.”
Owaisi is the lone parliament member of his All India Majlis Itihadul Muslimeen (All India Council of the Union of Muslims), from Andhra Pradesh. AIMIM is a Muslim political party in Hyderabad, India. It has retained Hyderabad Lok Sabha seat since 1984. In 2014 Telangana Legislative Assembly elections, AIMIM won seven seats. Till April 2014, AIMIM was not even a recognised state-level party by Election Commission of India because AIMIM did not meet the requirement of securing 6% of the total valid votes polls in the last general election, or winning 9 Assembly seats.
Owaisi has declared he will contest on several seats in upcoming Mahrashtra state elections. Asaduddin Owaisi, 45, known for his provocative speeches, along with his brother Akbaruddin, has been harboring a dream since years to take their party to a national level. They are also planning to contest assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat and other states. The Muslim parliamentarian was part of the India’s six-member “young parliamentarians” group that visited Australia to further improve Indo-Australia relations.
Posted: 03 Sep 2014 02:24 AM PDT

A political commentator says that the United States is using the NATO military power for creating a global New World Order.
“The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is being used for the purposes of the United States and for the purposes of people involved in creating a global New World Order, where NATO is being employed in all kinds of situations around the world,” Mark Dankof, former US Senate candidate, said in a phone interview with Press TV on Tuesday.
“The president of the United States is moving the American people closer to a war that is not in their interests and a war ultimately that is in the interests of no decent people and humanity anywhere,” he added.
He made the comments when asked about President Barack Obama’s foreign policy in Ukraine and Iraq.
Dankof said Washington uses NATO military power as a “911 force” for US and Europe and that must be “disbanded” since it no longer serves the purposes it was created for; protecting the US and European allies against the Soviet Union, which does not even exist anymore.
“NATO has become a ‘911 force’ for any time people want to intervene in the US and in Europe in all kinds of situations that have nothing to do with the original purpose that NATO was created,” Dankof said.
“NATO should have no legitimate statutory reason to even exist at this point,” he said.
The analyst also noted that Washington is creating a pretext “for the very intervention in Iraq and in Syria.”
“The congress of the United States is not asking any questions about this ISIS organization, and what are provably the clear links between this organization’s creation and the covert activities of the United States in Saudi Arabia and Israel in that part of the world which arguably have resulted in a situation where the president and the neo-conservative and pro-Zionist forces behind what the president is doing are creating the pretext for the very intervention in Iraq and in Syria, the both Saudi Arabians and Israelis want,” he explained.
President Barack Obama formally notified Congress on Monday of the beginning of airstrikes against the Iraqi town of Amerli, as required under the War Powers Act.
Administration officials said the attack was “consistent with the military missions we have outlined to date in Iraq.”
Under the War Powers Act, the president is allowed only to launch such unapproved operations in the case of “a national emergency,” which would be a difficult case to make in Iraq, and also he can only continue the war for 60 days without a Congressional authorization for the use of military force.
“The president has to certify that there is a national emergency involved for him to involve American military activities in a situation, and of course, in the question of Iraq we have to ask whether a national emergency, a true threat to the national security of the United States of the type envisioned by the War Powers Act actually is the case here,” said Dankof. “That’s a very dubious assertion.”
Posted: 03 Sep 2014 02:06 AM PDT

Presidents Putin and Poroshenko have agreed on a permanent ceasefire in the Donbass area of east Ukraine, the Ukrainian leader’s press office reports following a phone conversation between the two.
“The phone call resulted in an agreement on a permanent ceasefire in Donbass. An understanding has been reached on the steps to be taken to end the hostilities,” a corresponding message from Poroshenko’s office said.
Presidents Putin and Poroshenko have agreed on a permanent ceasefire in the Donbass area of eastern Ukraine, the Ukrainian leader’s press office reports following a phone conversation between the two.
Donetsk authorities say they are willing to engage in a diplomatic settlement with Kiev if it proves its commitment to peace by stopping the shelling.
Dmitry Peskov at the Russian president’s press office said the two leaders “have largely agreed” on the measures to be taken for a swift end to the violence.
The confrontation between the anti-government forces and the Ukrainian military, lasting over four months, has claimed the lives of around 2,500 people, according to UN estimates.
A million people have been displaced the majority of them to Russia.
But the biggest toll was inflicted on the peaceful population in cities like Donetsk and Lugansk, who were left without energy, food, water or connection to the outside world.
While international condemnation was initially aimed at Russia in an attempt to blame it for the escalation, lately the balance has shifted to recognizing the often indiscriminate nature of Ukrainian military shelling of the eastern parts, which used high-powered weaponry forbidden by international law to be used in populated areas.
Human Rights Watch was the latest to condemn such weapons and point to their use as the sole contributing factor to the high death toll in the area.