Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

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Obama Approval Rating PollObama approval rating poll: Calif. voters say Obama's approval stinks, agree?
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Worcester, MA, tornado filmed by former tornado victim: Reminds of 1953 disasterWorcester, MA, tornado filmed by former tornado victim: Reminds of 1953 disaster
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Hacked celebrity photos 2014: Jennifer Lawrence, others outraged at leak (Video)
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The massive leak of hacked celebrity photos in 2014 which included nude pictures of A-list celebrities such as Jennifer... Read more
Joan Rivers on life support after routine throat surgeryJoan Rivers Update: Taken out of medically-induced coma, still on life-support
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Nick OlivasStatutory rape victim forced to pay child support for kid he didn't know existed
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Obama approval rating hits new low: Liberals upset with Obama's job performance
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Since taking power in 2009, the approval rating of President Barack Obama has taken a rather steep decline. Now, according... Read more
Centeplate CEO Desmon Hague resigns Centerplate CEO Desmond Hague resigns over dog abuse scandal 
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Alonzo CushingWhite House approves 3 Medal of Honor recipients, including Civil War vet
The White House announced on Tuesday that President Obama will award the Medal of Honor to three soldiers, one of... Read more
Amish hair convictions overturned: Not a hate-crime find U.S. Court of AppealsAmish hair convictions: Court overturns scissor-yielding attacks on Amish hair
The hate-crime convictions of 16 Amish men and women were overturned in an Ohio appeals court on Wednesday after... Read more
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