Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

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What are the practical uses of Fermat's last theorem given the wide attention it has received from the math community?
Joshua Engel
Joshua Engel
Who do you think is the most resourceful person you have seen in your life and why?
Charles Tips
Charles Tips, Personal startups in retail and softw...
What is an example of a conjecture that was proven wrong for "very large" numbers?
Conner Davis
Conner Davis, He who walks with thunder.
How should I write a paper on mathematics?
Adam Merberg
Adam Merberg, Ph.D. student in mathematics at UC Be...
What are the best-kept secrets about startups?
Andrew Bellay
Andrew Bellay, Lean start-up founder.
Why are people here so obsessed with working at Google/Facebook?
David Frye
David Frye
If  e^{i \pi} = -1  then  e^{2i \pi} = 1 . However, if you take the natural log of the second , you get  2i \pi = 0 . Clearly, something is wrong with that. What explains this phenomenon?
Anastasiya Romanova
Anastasiya Romanova, Integrator @Mathematics StackExchange...
What are some molecules that were discovered, invented, or applied that have had a defining influence on human life in the last 200 years?
Xu Beixi
Xu Beixi, loves Nature.
I have a staff member who produces brilliant work but is consistently late every single day. I can't fire him because it will take months to find someone to fill his position. What can I do?
Matt Wasserman
Matt Wasserman, Taking a break from Quora
What are the most interesting questions where the answer is 'zero'?
Jeffry Brickley
Jeffry Brickley, I am, therefore I program.
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