Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 19 January 2015

A Five-Year Global Financial Forecast: Tsunami Warning

by John Mauldin, Thoughts from the Frontline
It is the time of the year for forecasts; but rather than do an annual forecast, which is as much a guessing game as anything else (and I am bad at guessing games), I'm going to do a five-year forecast to take us to the end of the decade, which I think may be useful for longer-term investors.


What We Read Today 19 January 2015

Econintersect: Every day our editors collect the most interesting things they find from around the internet and present a summary "reading list" which will include very brief summaries (and sometimes longer ones) of why each item has gotten our attention. Suggestions from readers for "reading list" items are gratefully reviewed, although sometimes space limits the number included.
We have a new "free wall". Premium content will be available at no charge for daily newsletter subscribers. The newsletter is also free. Access to each day's 'behind the wall' content will be made with sign-in codes delivered with the newsletter sent every day at 6:06 pm EST (New York time). Our goal is to make WWRT our readers' first source for news, finance and economics review daily and to reward our newsletter "members" with additional valuable and interesting content.

Incentive Accounts: A Solution to Executive Compensation

by Alex Edmans and Xavier Gabaix
Appeared originally at, 24 June 2009
Many blame executive compensation for encouraging shortsighted risk-taking. This column argues that compensation should be structured so as to provide incentives consistent with the firm's position and long-term interest. It proposes 'incentive accounts' that it says would be superior to existing compensation schemes.


A Word from This Newsletter's Sponsor for 19 January 2015

How I Made $1,900,336.82 Trading Commodities eBook

Author and Pro Standard and Poors pit trader Larry Levin is giving away the electronic edition of his award-winning book.
Learn Larrys proprietary tactics that were keys to his wildly successful trading run, including his actual trade statements!

Earnings and Economic Reports: Week Starting 19 January 2015

Written by Merlin Rothfeld, Online Trading Academy
Econintersect: Here is a day-by-day rundown of the global economic calendar events for the coming week and the important earnings announcements each day, as well.
Video presentation follows the Read more >> jump.merlin-rothfeld-ptr-380px

Merlin Rothfeld

See How Swiss Bank Policy Unleashed a "Tsunami" on These Stocks

Money Morning Article of the Week
by Tara Clarke, Money Morning
A surprise Swiss Bank policy change shocked the stock market today (Friday)...
On Thursday, the Swiss Central Bank ended a three-year old policy that prevented the Swiss franc from appreciating too much against the euro.

Oscar Nominations 2015: It's Still a Man's World

by William BrownThe Conversation
This year's Oscar nominations quickly prompted ire from all quarters. This isn't unusual, the awards are an easy target. 'Everything is awful', moans The Telegraph:
'The Lego Movie, the most successful and critically acclaimed animation of 2014, has inexplicably missed out.'

Google Narrows Gap on Facebook in Social Logins

by Felix Richter,
The reach of Facebook and Google in the online world stretches way beyond the companies' own websites.

Draghi, What Are You Doing?

by Michael Grogan, First Class Analytics
For the past couple of months, I have strenuously been arguing that the current monetary policy in Europe is misguided. While a low interest rate policy seeks to promote economic growth in the Eurozone, it has done anything but - with GDP in countries such as Canada, UK and US far outpacing that of Europe.

Vermonters Lobby for Public Bank - And Win Millions for Local Investment Instead

Special Report from Yes!
by Alexis Goldsmith
Advocates didn't get the public bank they wanted. But the compromise they reached in the end was still a rare and significant win over Wall Street banks.

Infographic of the Day: Vehicles per Capita

How manyvehicles are owned in various countries and states..

Insider Trading 16 January 2015: Bed, Bath and Beyond Selling

by Asif Suria
Insider buying decreased last week with insiders buying $40.18 million of stock compared to $104.71 million in the week prior. Selling also decreased with insiders selling $521.34 million of stock last week compared to $728.27 million in the week prior. On account of earnings season, insider activity remained muted last week.
Sell/Buy Ratio: The insider Sell/Buy ratio is calculated by dividing the total insider sales in a given week by total insider purchases that week. The adjusted ratio for last week went up to 12.98. In other words, insiders sold almost 13 times as much stock as they purchased. The Sell/Buy ratio this week compares unfavorably with the prior week, when the ratio stood at 6.58.

In Praise of Price Discovery

by David Stockman , Daily Reckoning
This morning's market is more erratic than Claire Danes off her lithium. Gold is soaring, the euro's plunging, US treasury yields are in free fall, junk bonds are faltering, copper is bouncing, oil has rolled over, the Russell 2000 momos are getting mauled, the swissie has shot the moon, the Dow is knee-jerking down, correlations are failing......and the robo traders are flat-out lost.

How to Avoid Bogus Health Information on the Web

by Andy TattersallThe Conversation
Health is one of the biggest topics searched for on the web, yet despite its importance a large portion of this information is inaccurate, anecdotal or biased.

2014's Best-Selling Vinyl Albums

from Felix Richter,
by Niall McCarthy
Last year, 2014, saw a streaming boom which has significantly altered the music landscape.