Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Hollande-Valls-Netanyahu terrorism. They have planned and implemented the terrorist attacks. ...It works in this way...

Monday 12 January 2015

Hollande-Valls-Netanyahu terrorism. They have planned and implemented the terrorist attacks. ...It works in this way...

 Visits Paris Supermarket Targeted in Attack

Netanyahu paid tribute to victims at the site, where a terrorist took shoppers hostage and murdered four.

France: 5,000 Troops to Protect Jewish Schools

France Told Bibi: If You Come, We'll Invite Abbas

Paris Attacker 'Undoubtedly' Had Accomplice

Netanyahu: The World Must Unite Against Terror

End of Stunt: Deri's Back at the Helm

Self-Defense Squads to Defend Parisian Jews


Did Abbas Come to Honor the Victims or the Terrorists?


Lies, Damn Lies, Palestinian Promises and Abbas


Jews, Get the Hell Out of France


The New York Times Rescues the Palestinians Once Again

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