Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Typical State Terrorism, with Anglo-American help and cover. They are cheating their own people! Idiotic people are manipulated and used from State/government-sponsored terrorist networks...

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Typical State Terrorism, with Anglo-American help and cover. They are cheating their own people! Idiotic people are manipulated and used from State/government-sponsored terrorist networks...

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La France va payer très cher son politiquement correct
La France va imploser dans 15 ou 20 ans dans le sang. Lire l'article entier
Mer. 21 janvier 2015

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Attentat à Tel Aviv: 13 personnes poignardées dans un autobus (vidéo)
Le terroriste neutralisé. Réactions de la classe politique israélienne  Lire l'article entier

Mer. 21 janvier 2015