Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

 March 24, 2015
Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States in 58 Minutes
Stone clearly shows this neocon Ride of the Valkyries with regime change the goal from Iraq to Iran ~ with the obvious but unspoken endorsement if not assistance of Israel and Mossad.
PosterPreston James, Ph.D
Caught !
Bibi was a "handler" during his US espionage days, with Arnon Milchan one of his agents. Milcahn as publicly confirmed he was a nuclar spy, with no regretsJim W. Dean, Managing Editor
White House officials say Israel spied on Iran talks to sink nuclear deal
ftaDr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall
The GI Revolt That Ended the Vietnam War
City of London's Ownership of American Colonies
Unemployment BenefitsArnaldo Rodgers
Market owner gives back to veterans, public safety workers
2-0911rutgerqueen-sciarrinoajpg-bb9750a8e7b9f9efArnaldo Rodgers
Veterans to get in-state tuition at N.J. schools under new law
Gilad Atzmon
The Southampton University Win/Win Situation..
This futile battle against a British academic institute depicts British Jewry as opponents of academic freedom, free speech and British values. I wonder how long it will take British Jews to understand the harm inflicted on them by the Board Of Deputies. »»
Kadir A. Mohmand
Puppet Ashraf Ghani was not elected..
Why is America talking to this man? »»
Preston James, Ph.D
Time for Political Candidates to Discuss Real issues..
When will we have a political candidate who refuses to lick Israel's boots and is willing to deal with the real issues facing America? »»
dd395-House (site)
Arnaldo Rodgers
Sadly, nothing has changed at the Veterans Administration: Letter
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald was caught recently lying about his military service. I take my health care at the Wilmington, Delaware, Veterans Administration hospital where my telephone calls still go unanswered, especially from the veterans' advocate. »»
Arnaldo Rodgers
Texas Lawmakers: Funding A College Education For Veterans Too High
They signed up to fight for their country, and the state of Texas promised to pay for their education.»»
Arnaldo Rodgers
Workshop on small business financing for veterans set
Veteran business owners can receive help identifying funding sources and learn about state mentoring programs at a no-cost workshop presented by the University of Houston-Victoria Small Business Development Center. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Veterans Today Network
Hiring Veterans: A Marketing Trend Or A Smart Move?
Military Veteran Job News    Arnaldo Rodgers
Few veterans in Black Hills region using new VA program
Arnaldo Rodgers
Amazon And Google Delivery Drones Will Likely Fly In Europe First
Recent developments in European aviation regulations mean that innovators like Amazon, Google and DHL will likely find a more permissive environment in Europe than in America. »»
Grey Olivia
What do Tax Attorneys Do: Complete Guide
A tax attorney in New York has a variety of responsibilities and does a lot of things. Read on know what they exactly do. »»