Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: World terrorisms and mafias are invented, created and managed from the British SIS-Crown and its clients...

Sunday, 30 August 2015

World terrorisms and mafias are invented, created and managed from the British SIS-Crown and its clients...

The 08/30/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Detroit: Iraqi Christian refugees from Muslim persecution protest proposed mosque
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 05:54 pm

Detroit: Iraqi Christian refugees from Muslim persecution protest proposed mosque
“One Chaldean speaker denounced the Muslims as ‘killers’ and warned that the Muslims will do to America ‘what they did in Iraq.'” This the jihad-enabling author Ray Hanania describes as “Islamophobia,” but the Chaldean speaker speaks from experience. Who can say that his or her experience is not valid? Who is Ray Hanania to ascribe […]

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Man who shot Virginia journalists “closely identified” with 9/11 jihadis
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 02:58 pm

Man who shot Virginia journalists “closely identified” with 9/11 jihadis
Whether it’s race hatred such as that which drove Vester Flanagan to commit murder, or jihad hatred that drove the 9/11 hijackers to commit murder on a grand scale, it all ultimately comes from the same wellspring. Yet the enablers and tacit supporters of jihad terrorism gain a great deal of success in the U.S. […]

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Hamas-linked CAIR demands apology from Scott Walker for “enabling ISIS” by referring to “radical Islamic terrorism”
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 02:30 pm

Hamas-linked CAIR demands apology from Scott Walker for “enabling ISIS” by referring to “radical Islamic terrorism”
The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), designated a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates, is in full outrage mode at Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker, trying to intimidate him into speaking less accurately about the nature of the jihad threat. It’s their usual tactic: charging anyone who dares to note the Islamic character […]

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UNC’s “Literature of 9/11” course indoctrinates students to love jihad terror, hate America
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 01:11 pm

UNC’s “Literature of 9/11” course indoctrinates students to love jihad terror, hate America
As the incomparable Daniel Greenfield puts it, #OnlyTerroristLivesMatter.” Neel Ahuja is identified in this College Fix article as “an associate professor of English, comparative literature, and geography at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.” However, UNC’s website lists him more specifically as “associate professor of postcolonial studies in the Department of English and Comparative Literature […]

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Pentagon not targeting Islamic State training camps
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 12:04 pm

Pentagon not targeting Islamic State training camps
“If we know the location of these camps, and the president wants to destroy ISIS, why are the camps still functioning?” Excellent question. And no answer was forthcoming. Why not? Is it because there could be no possible explanation for this that makes sense in terms of American national security and that of the free […]

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Sweden: Imam tells Muslims: “Do not befriend the unbelievers”
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 09:55 am

Sweden: Imam tells Muslims: “Do not befriend the unbelievers”
Abo Raad must be an “extremist,” right? A hijacker of the religion of peace, tolerance, compassion and mercy, right? An imam who somehow has misunderstood the religion that he has dedicated his life to understanding and teaching properly, eh? Well, let’s see: “Let not the believers take unbelievers for friends or helpers rather than believers: […]

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Muslim mother and her four children leave London bound for the Islamic State
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 09:41 am

Muslim mother and her four children leave London bound for the Islamic State
British authorities have absolutely no idea what to do about the phenomenon of whole families of Muslims leaving Britain to travel to the Islamic State, because they refuse to face what motivates these families to make such a move. And so there will be many, many more cases like this one. “London mother and four […]

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Main Bangkok jihad bombing suspect Mohamed Museyin arrested, bomb-making materials in apartment
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 09:32 am

Main Bangkok jihad bombing suspect Mohamed Museyin arrested, bomb-making materials in apartment
As another suspect was arrested at around the same time, this seems to have been a larger jihad plot. It was reported last week that “police suspect up to 10 people were involved in the attack that may have taken a month to plan.” All that time and intellectual energy devoted to plotting murder and […]

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Thai police arrest Turkish Muslim suspect over Bangkok Hindu shrine bombing
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 09:20 am

Thai police arrest Turkish Muslim suspect over Bangkok Hindu shrine bombing
Some people still question whether this was a jihad attack. Well, let’s see. A Muslim from Turkey travels to Thailand and helps blow up a Hindu shrine. He must have been motivated by local political concerns, right? Or maybe he intended to carry out a robbery? Or perhaps Adem Karadag is “mentally ill”? “Thai police […]

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Robert Spencer’s new book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS “#1 New Release in Islamic History”
By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2015 09:10 am

Robert Spencer’s new book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS “#1 New Release in Islamic History”
My latest book, The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS, continues to attract notice from those in the know, and is today designated “#1 New Release in Islamic History.” It is available at any self-respecting bookstore, as well as at in paperback (order here) and on Kindle (order here). Here are the details and some […]

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