Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 18 Sep 2015 10:00 PM PDT
A former police commander from Tajikistan was featured in an ISIS video recently where he admitted he was trained by the U.S. State Department and former military contractor Blackwater all the way up until last year.

by The Anti Media

At a Blackwater facility in North Carolina, Col. Gulmurod Khalimov received “counter-terrorism training.”

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Posted: 18 Sep 2015 09:00 PM PDT
 “If I were my peach smoothie body butter, where would I be?” I say to no one while I search for my favorite lotion. Then: “Aha! Here you are. You rolled under my bed.”

by Gigi Engle

I talk to myself a lot. And I don’t mean only in the privacy of my own home. I talk to myself while I’m walking down the street, when I’m in my office or when I’m shopping.

Thinking out loud helps me materialize what I’m thinking about. It helps me make sense of things.

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Posted: 18 Sep 2015 08:00 PM PDT
According to Sumerian legend, the Anunnaki genetically manipulated our genetics and created three versions of what we know as mankind, today.

by Gregg Prescott, In5D

The Anunnaki may have reptilian blood too, as they intermixed with their creations.

We don’t specifically know how our DNA was manipulated. What we DO know is that only 20 of the 64 codons in our DNA are active.

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Posted: 18 Sep 2015 07:00 PM PDT
What would you do, right this very second, if a disaster struck? Let’s say it’s something that took the power out for a few days. Would you be able to keep your family safe and comfortable? If not, do you recognize the importance of increasing your preparations until you can meet a crisis head on?

by Tess Pennington

Many people like to turn up their noses at those “crazy preppers” but if they were to stop and really think about it, they’d realize that being prepared for those events that occur without warning is just good old-fashioned common sense.

Unfortunately, media portrayals of preparedness like to show the most extreme examples of the lifestyle. Shows like Doomsday Preppers are populated with people who are, quite literally, preparing for the end of the world.

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