Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 3 October 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 10:00 PM PDT
Most people would be quite surprised to learn that there is a vaccine for lung cancer, one which has been proven effective in over 25 years of intense research and several years of clinical use. So why is most of the world only learning about it now? 

by Leif Davenport, Waking Times

The answer is complicated by back-room dealings in the dark recesses of government, and by the unhealthy influence that pharmaceutical companies have on the availability of life-saving medications.

Cuba has faced many public health issues over the last few decades, one of the gravest being related the country’s most famous export, tobacco.

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Posted: 01 Oct 2015 09:00 PM PDT
According to researchers in China, an ancient Chinese manuscript made available to the public in 2011 describes in detail a mysterious event that took place nearly 500 years ago: An Alien Abduction.

The text written in 1528 describes a mysterious ‘star’ which crossed the sky moving from the East to the West, the mysterious ‘star’ descended in the vicinity of a small village near the mountains.

One of the inhabitants of the village, intrigued by the mysterious ‘star’ that had landed approached the object describing it as being disk-shaped and as big as a house, covered in brilliant colors, unlike anything he had ever seen in his lifetime, the man fainted.

He woke up in a cold a strange place that was illuminated by a mysterious red hue and even though he could still see the Sun, the moon and the stars there were no buildings or people near him, only mysterious creatures that had round faces and three eyes instead of two.

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Posted: 01 Oct 2015 08:00 PM PDT
You have probably all heard that red meat can lead to cancer, but it seems there is a reason behind it all, and it has finally been revealed.

Namely, it was discovered that the root of it all is the sugar, according to a study from the University of California in San Diego.

When it comes to eating red meat, humans are those who have higher risks of cancer due to other carnivores eat the meat naturally with no ill side effects.

There is a unique sugar with name Neu5Gc which is found in most mammals, but not in humans. This sugar triggers an immune response which causes inflammation. It can be found in red meats (pork and other livestock), cow’s milk and certain cheeses.

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Posted: 01 Oct 2015 07:00 PM PDT
Scientists have discovered that the root of this plant works “better” than chemotherapy because it “kills” completely the cells infected with cancer. In addition it acts as a diuretic, which stimulates the secretion of bile, cleanses the liver, helps with allergies and reduces cholesterol.

by Fine Living Advice

It contains many important vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, folic acid and magnesium.

It contains up to 535% of the required dose of vitamin C and 110% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin A. All these are facts known for years.

University of Windsor Canada made an initial study of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the results gave new hope to cancer patients. It was found that the root of the dandelion effectively “kill” cells infected with cancer without harmful effects on other cells in the body, reported by “Natural News”.

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