Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 26 October 2015

Top Muslim Cleric in Jerusalem: Al-Aqsa Has Been Islamic ‘Since the Creation of the World’
Casting aside extensive historical documentation — including information found in Islamic texts — the top Muslim cleric in Jerusalem made the claim over the weekend that the Temple Mount has been the site of a mosque “since the creation of the world” and was never a Jewish worship site. “The Al-Aqsa mosque is... READ MORE.
The Potential Trouble In The Middle East No One Is Talking About
Sometimes with so much happening in the news it’s easy to get bogged down and not think twice about what a headline really means. We just take it at face value and move on to the next headline. If we do that, there’s a good chance we'll miss the... READ MORE.

An author and Bible expert who has spent a great deal of time analyzing recent archaeological discoveries said that he has been "blown away" by an ancient tablet that was discovered back in 2000 — one that has caused an "earthquake" in the biblical studies field. "The one... READ MORE.

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Actress Leah Remini is continuing to discuss her very public split with Scientology, telling ABC's "20/20" in an upcoming interview that those who criticize fellow actor Tom Cruise — a prominent member of the secretive religion — are considered "evil." "Being critical of Tom Cruise is being critical... READ MORE.

They are Christian supporters of Israel who left their homes for a few months to volunteer as grape harvesters in Judea and Samaria, the site of key events in the Bible, including the birth of Jesus and the burial of the biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. On... READ MORE.

Princess Juliana International Airport in St. Maarten is famous for commercial jets that come in for landings just feet above the beach. Takeoffs usually take place in the opposite direction, away from the beach and toward the mountains, Jalopnik noted, but one guy with a video... READ MORE.
When Ben Carson Is Pressed on His Anti-Abortion Stance, He Quietly Throws Down a Challenge to Those Who ‘Would Like to Kill a Baby’
During Ben Carson's "Meet the Press" interview that aired Sunday, host Chuck Todd asked the Republican presidential candidate about abortion. "Does life begin at conception?" Todd asked. "I believe it does," Carson answered. Todd came back with a query about which individual has greater rights... READ MORE.
Christian Baker Refuses to Back Down After Gov’t Punished Him for Refusing to Make Gay Wedding Cake
A Christian baker who was found guilty of discrimination after declining to make a cake for a gay wedding is appealing to the Colorado Supreme Court, arguing that the government should not force him to communicate messages with which he disagrees. The move comes after the Colorado Court of... READ MORE.

From TheBlaze TV
  • The Buck Sexton Show -- Mike Opelka takes the helm of the "Freedom Hut" and checks into Trump's weekend comments about his "small," million-dollar loan from his dad - and is there a "lack of love" between Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton?  -- 7pm ET or on-demand on TheBlaze TV.
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The eerie congruence wasn't likely lost on Texas resident Deedee Oliveira. Her new home in Mission sits on Elm Street — and Halloween is fast approaching. "It's just a crazy story," she told KGBT-TV. Oliveira was having some renovations done to her property when workers... READ MORE.

Major Online Sales Outlet Has Stockpiled Gold and Food for Workers -- Just in Case
Last week, in a speech to the United Precious Metals Association, chairman of a major, online retailer revealed that his company had stockpiled gold and food for its employees in case the economy faces troubled times. In fact, the company, in terms of food storage, has enough survival food to feed all of its employees (plus one) for three months... READ MORE.