Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Tuesday October 6, 2015
Russian jets hit Islamic State targets in the Syrian city of Palmyra and the northern province of Aleppo, Syrian state television said. The strikes destroyed 20 vehicles and 3 weapons depots in Islamic State-held Palmyra.Read more.
A top U.S. commander said that the bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in northern Afghanistan was accidental -- but the humanitarian group, also known as Médecins Sans Frontières, claims otherwise. The hospital, the only one of its kind in the region, was "deliberately bombed," according to a statement released by Dr. Joanne Liu, MSF's international president. Read more.

An increasing number of refugees are returning to Syria from Jordan, where they face dire poverty because food assistance has been cut, according to a major charity working in the region. This is despite the extremely dangerous security situation in Syria, where a four-year-old civil war has claimed a quarter of a million lives and forced more than 11 million people to leave their homes. Read more.

The number of Russians now living below the poverty line is increasing in tandem with the number of Russian air strikes in Syria. The steady negative trends in the national economy, federal budget, investment and household incomes will force even more Russians into poverty in the months ahead.Read more.