Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 3 November 2011

From Carroll Pellegrinelli, your Guide to Desserts/Baking
The Baking Season is Here. Well, it is for me anyway. I just had to bake 3 apple pies for one dinner and a luncheon. The Baking Season begins slightly before Halloween and goes through those dreaded diets after New Year's. To make things a little less stressful here are several articles to help you through my favorite time of year.

Clean and Stock Your Pantry 
I'll admit it. I'd rather be baking or hanging out with my family and friends than cleaning. Unfortunately, to make the most of the baking season, I need to know exactly what I have and what I need. This will not only save money, but it'll save unnecessary trips to the grocery store.
Freezing Baked Goods 
Most frozen baked goods easily last at least 3 months in the freezer before they start losing their flavor or get freezer burn. So, in short, you can start baking now for the holiday season.
Cookies, Cookies and More Cookies 
Getting ready for holiday baking also takes some planning as well as reviewing how to bake certain items like cookies that you may only make once a year. Here are a few article and features to help you with all the cookie baking that's about to come.
See More About:  baking tips  cookie recipes  baking with kids
Holiday Cakes 
Everyone has different cakes that they consider Holiday Cakes. My favorites are the Bacardi Rum Cake and the Tropical Carrot Cake. Here are several others just for you.