Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Washington PostWednesday, November 02, 2011
newsletter header
News from the Fed Page
Mahmoud M. Hegab

Worker suing intelligence agency for anti-Muslim bias

Ed O’Keefe
A Northern Virginia man is filing a discrimination lawsuit against one of the nation’s most secretive intelligence agencies.
Federal Diary

DOD’s efforts to prevent sex harassment questioned

Joe Davidson
The GAO says the Pentagon needs “greater leadership commitment” to prevent sexual harassment.
Federal question of the week
On Leadership
In this Oct. 6, 2011 photo, Gan Golan of Los Angeles, dressed as the 'Master of Degrees,' holds a ball and chain representing his college loan debt during Occupy DC activities in Washington. As President Obama prepared to announce new measures Wednesday to help ease the burden of student loan debt, new figures painted a demoralizing picture of college costs for students and parents: Average in-state tuition and fees at four-year public colleges rose an 
additional $631 this fall, or 8.3 percent, compared with a year ago. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Miseducating American dreamers

Michael M. Crow
America once again finds itself at a crossroads. But what has happened to our nation is not the result of a global banking conspiracy or the collapse of the housing bubble.
Federal Player of the Week
Source: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Putting Holocaust history on display

The Partnership for Public Service
Edward “Ted” Phillips makes sure that the important history of Nazi Germany is told for the ages and that visitors understand what led to those World War II atrocities.
The voting database
Browse every vote in the U.S. Congress since 1991.