Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

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TRNN This Week January 2 - January 6
January 7, 2012
Obama and Netanyahu's Push for Attack on Iran
Gareth Porter: Obama cannot keep the US out of a war if Israel strikes Iran
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What Happened to Regulating the Banks?
Gerry Epstein: Regulations are full of exemptions and overly complicated; stronger reforms and public banking needed
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January 5

Dissent is the Highest form of Patriotism
Col. Larry Wilkerson speaks at Sam Adams Awards ceremony honoring Jesselyn Radack and Thomas Drake
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Where is Obama's Climate Change Agenda?
James Boyce and Joe Romm discuss the Obama administration climate change policy or lack thereof
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January 4

Raw Story and on the Iowa Caucus
Megan Carpentier (Exec. Editor of the progressive Raw Story) and Matt Welch (Editor in Chief of the libertarian discuss the results of the Iowa Caucus vote
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Whistle Blower Threatened with 35 Years in Prison, Warns of Developing Tyranny
Thomas Drake blew the whistle on a massive domestic information gathering scheme and was called "an enemy of the state" (speech at Sam Adams Awards)
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Why a Financial Transaction Tax?
Sarah Anderson: 0.25% tax on financial transactions could raise $150 billion a year in the US alone
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Making Music with the Revolutionary Artists Union of Egypt
Reed Lindsay continues his series of interviews with artists in Tahrir square. This was shot before the most recent military crack down.
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January 3

Women Fight Religious Segregation in Israel
Secular vs religious tensions rise as women fight segregation in Jewish Halacha law
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Obama's War on Whistle Blowers
Attorney Jesslyn Radack: More whistle blowers have been charged during Obama admin. then all other presidents together.(speech at Sam Adams Awards)
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January 2

Occupy Movement Targets Iowa Caucuses
Republican presidential candidates and Democratic party focus of demonstrations denouncing corporate dollars in electoral politics
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Is the Euro Crisis Over?
William K. Black, Paolo Manasse, and John Weeks discuss the Euro and the danger of global recession
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