Top 10 Trending Stories
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Former CIA Agent James Garrow Arrested! (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Guerilla Media Network. by Pete Santilli, The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network The interview starts HERE at the 1hr :10 min Mark . Mr. James Garrow was arrested for possession of a firearm, and it was his son-in-law who turned him in! The Pete Santilli Show broadcasts live on The...
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What To Expect During The Next Stage Of Collapse
CONTRIBUTOR: BioPrepper. For years now I have carefully outlined the most likely path of collapse to take place within the U.S., and a vital part of that analysis included economic destabilization caused by a loss of the dollar’s world reserve status and petro-status. I have also always made clear that this fiscal...
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Egypt/UAE Bombing Syria - Top Chinese Officials at the Pentagon Today - Video (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Greg Ericson. egyptuae-bombing......
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The Agenda 21 Depopulation of Rural Areas Will Give Obama Stalin-Like Control Over Food
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. The “Hunger Games” nightmare scenario presently being implemented and it is called America 2050. The plan is called America 2050 and the concept is based upon the creation of megacities. In order for the megacities concept, which is well underway, to come to fruition, American suburbs and rural areas must...
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How to Pay Your Debts During Crisis
CONTRIBUTOR: Survivopedia. A number of years ago I heard a credit card ad from Citibank that was scary. The ad ended with them saying something like, “We know 1 out of four families in America, what about yours?” Do you see any significance in that statement, or was it just me? What...
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7 Ayurvedic Herbs that Destroy Colon & Other Cancers Fast
CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Society. Numerous Ayurvedic texts speak of ways to treat cancers of the colon and digestive system. Two texts which were written around 700 BC are classic wisdom from the sister science of yoga – the Charakaand Sushruta Samhita. Both are suggested as being an imbalance in one of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) which describe general...
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It's Begun! We Were Warned This Would Happen - All Out War Campaign Begins (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America - All News PipeLine. By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine Over the course of the last year we have been warned multiples times by a variety of people that in order to distract and cover up the extent of the upcoming economic crash, there must be war, military action which would...
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How to Opt-Out Of Forced Vaccinations (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: SGTreport. from NextNewsNetwork: Well, get your book bags packed and your shoes tied tight. It’s about time to go back to school again. Every fall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention send out their reminders to parents to vaccinate their children. Different states have various vaccination requirements, mostly targeting mumps,...
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Over $455,000 Seized From Medical Marijuana Patient Slapped With Civil Asset Forfeiture (Video) (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) In another tyranny involving Civil Asset Forfeiture, a medical marijuana patient had the sum of $455,000 stolen from him by the authorities, under the guise of the law. Asset forfeiture is a form of confiscation of assets by the state, pursuant to law. It typically applies to...
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ISIS Mission Impossible: Catching Obama’s Attention -Peter Pan Golfer in the White House just doesn’t give a damn
CURATOR: John Rolls. Judi McLeod / Canada Free Press The digital jihadists who came up with a new social networks campaign in a desperate attempt “to ratchet up pressure on U.S. President Barack Obama”, are headed in the same direction Mrs. Barack Obama ended up in when she tried the...
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CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence
CONTRIBUTOR: Indian in the machine
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America - All News PipeLine
CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die