Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        October 01, 2014
soldiersThree Israeli soldiers commit suicide: Report
- Jim W. Dean..."So Israel, like some other states, has a history of using the proverbial outside threat to help keep control over a fractous society."
A-Dame-To-Kill-For.Jonas E. Alexis
A Dame to Kill for, Nymphomaniac, and Talmudic Ideology (Part II)
ChainJim W. Dean
NEO - Why the Scots Chose To Wear Their Chains With Pride
page_turkey1160913_w437_h328Jim W. Dean
NEO - Will the US use ISIL to attack Assad?
Cocaine and Murder
Judges of the Supreme Court of CanadaDenis G. Rancourt
Rogue Courts in Canada Trample Self-Represented Litigants
Ashraf-GhaniKadir A. Mohmand
Ashraf Ghani Was Not Elected by the Afghan Majority
aidStuart Littlewood
The Gaza medical aid scandal: Suffer, little children....
veteransVeterans Today
VA Awards SSVF Surge Funding to 56 Communities
sandersVeterans Today
Sanders: Arab Nations Must Step Up Fight Against ISIS
laughingChip Tatum
The Flim Flam Men Have Flim Flammmed and Scammed You For Decades
Netanyahu bomb drawing  394 x 219
A Poison Pill for the Iran-Nuke Deal
Many in Congress continue to march in lockstep with the dictates of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who wants endless hostility toward Iran even if that torpedoes a deal to constrain Iran's nuclear program. »»
Center for Disease Control Seeks Veterans for Study
Get paid now! CDC needs Veterans for study on smoking. »»
Dr. Alan Sabrosky
US targets Syria infrastructure rather than militants: Sabrosky
Washington intends to inflict "such damage to the economic and industrial infrastructure within Syria that any Syrian government after the fighting will be so weakened that it will be vulnerable to further attacks." »»
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
OFCCP Proposes Pay Transparency Rule
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
Federal Pay: Culture of Pay Secrecy is Coming to an End
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
OFCCP's Revised Scheduling Letter and Itemized Listing Approved by OMB
Preston James, Ph.D
Alien Agenda VI: The Worm Has Turned..
This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Secret Space War matters. »»
alien agenda
Veterans Today
Gun Control and the Nazis
Quite often i see uninformed bloggers, well-meaning patriotic Americans, and even the mainstream media, drawing parallels between the political climate of Nazi Germany and that of the United States at present. »»
Jim W. Dean
US strikes, de facto moving into Iraq: Jim W. Dean..
- You are always going to have collateral damage no matter how good the intelligence is...there will be mistakes and civilian casualties." »»
Gordon Duff
Kurdish region has strategic value for ISIL: Analyst
- Press TV has conducted an interview with Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today from Ohio, about the continuing clashes between the Kurds and the Takfiri ISIL militants in northern Syria. »»
Gordon Duff
US, Turkey partners to ISIL: Analyst..
Press TV has conducted an interview with Gordon Duff, an editor with Veterans Today, in Ohio, to discuss the latest developments regarding Syria. »»
credit repair - Copy
Jack Cage
What students want: Report highlights students' property demands
The old adage of student properties is something that we're all used to - a flat or house where those in attendance live in questionably decorated and maintained surroundings for cheap prices. »»
John Allen
Earn Money On The Internet
Everyone dreams of having an easy way to earn money on the internet, but how can you achieve this? Find out in this MNN article that explore several options. »»
Nick Barisheff
BullionBuzz eNewsletter | Feature: The Era of Keynesian Money Printing is Over and Done
While the mainstream media touts that equities are fairly priced and that the bull market has much further to go, Gordon T. Long shows that the markets are at extremes and close to a tipping point. »»