By Daily Kos
"Americans Are Sick to Death of Both Parties: Why Our Politics Is in Worse Shape Than We Thought"
"Americans Are Sick to Death of Both Parties: Why Our Politics Is in Worse Shape Than We Thought"
If nothing else, I hope this post makes Democrats (at least) think real hard about what the hell they're doing; meanwhile, many (again, no links; no need to call out anyone) have already opted to become stenographers for the Democratic Party status quo's "inevitability meme," at least when it comes to our country's 2016 presidential politics.
At COP20, leaders discussed "gender responsive" approaches to climate change, but little was actually done to address it. UN Sec. General Ban Ki-moon said there
. In 2015, the pope will issue a lengthy message on the subject to the world's 1.2 billion Catholics, give an address to the UN general assembly and call a summit of the world's main religions.
In the 1980s, the Reagan administration pioneered "perception management" to get the American people to "kick the Vietnam Syndrome" and accept more U.S. interventionism, but that propaganda structure continues to this day getting the public to buy in to endless war, writes Robert Parry.
translation of Cuba President Raul Castro's speech to the closing of the Cuban National Assembly on December 20, 2014.
After the Sony hack, Barack Obama said:
Putin is not playing Obama's kind of chess.
A 2010 email released by Wikileaks from a top-level CIA contractor asserts that CIA Director John Brennan, the subject of a story by deceased journalist Michael Hastings, was on a "witch hunt" against "investigative journalists" perceived as hostile.
There is no sense of national interest, and damn little sense of community, in the American political system. Both concepts have been superseded by the particular parochial goals and sense of solidarity of groups and subgroups with the deep pockets necessary to buy legislators and legislation. This is what happens when democracy allows itself to be captured by an increasingly unregulated capitalist ethic.
Breaking up Citigroup is under serious consideration as a potential campaign theme. For example, in a powerful speech -- watched online more than a half-million times -- Senator Elizabeth Warren responded uncompromisingly to the megabanks' latest display of muscle: "Let's pass something -- anything -- that would help break up these giant banks." Defenders of the megabanks -- Citi, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley -- dismiss Warren as an avatar of left-wing populism. But this is a serious misconception; in fact, Warren is attracting a great deal of support from the center and the right.
By Yes Magazine
What the Classics Can Teach Us About Cherishing Holiday Foods, From A Christmas Carol to Moby Dick
What the Classics Can Teach Us About Cherishing Holiday Foods, From A Christmas Carol to Moby Dick
Can we find our way back to treasuring what comes from far away while reveling in local, abun dant foods, whose proximity makes them affordable and sustainable?
By Dave Lindorff
Marketing Madness: Americans See Selves as Freedom's Heroes as They Flock to Watch a Lousy Comedy
Marketing Madness: Americans See Selves as Freedom's Heroes as They Flock to Watch a Lousy Comedy
The super-patriotic yahoos thronging theaters to watch Kim Jong-un's head explode aren't defending American freedom. If they were, they'd be watching 'Kill the Messenger,' writes TCBH! journalist Dave Lindorf
A group of scientists has created artificial human sperm and eggs using human embryonic stem cells and skin cells. While researchers have already previously accomplished this using rodents, this is the first time they were able to replicate the process with human cells.
Reflecting on a 1973 trip through Morocco.
What is really behind the well planned attacks on de Blasio and the long standing resistance to change within the department is a desire on the part of the NYPD old guard to maintain their power structure. The well choreographed insult to de Blasio at the funeral of Officer Rafael Ramos was not only an insult to the mayor, but to the dignity of the people of the city of New York.
The history of policing is filled with corruption, politics and violence, going back well over 100 years, when use of a club to beat people was considered an art.
During an appearance alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, Graham said there will be a vote on legislation drafted by Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) in January. The measure would impose additional sanctions on Iran if it violates the interim nuclear agreement or walks away from talks. Negotiations over Israeli-Palestinian peace are another fraught area that has seen a push from the administration. Graham raised the prospect of cutting off U.S. funding for the United Nations if the world body passes a resolution laying out conditions for an Israeli-Palestinian agreement.
"In an era of instant communications, controlled in a large part by the US, it is possible to communicate within minutes to every part of the globe. It is beyond belief that U.S. scientists working with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration could not find any method to directly and immediately contact civilian authorities in the area that might be hit shortly or within hours." IAC Ramsey Clark founder spoke out
Andrew Cuomo has "banned" fracking in NYS, cause for celebration by some, consternation and rage by others. What is the real reason? Is it the health of the people? or the health of Cuomo's political aspiration. Is NYS really safe from all the hazards of fracking?
An AirAsia plane with 161 people aboard lost contact with ground control on Sunday after takeoff from Indonesia on the way to Singapore, and search and rescue operations were underway. The plane had six crew and 155 passengers, including 16 children and one infant, the general manager of Surabaya's Juanda airport, Trikora Raharjo, told The Associated Press. There were six foreigners -- three South Koreans including an infant and one each from Singapore, British and Malaysia, said Raharjo. The rest were Indonesians, he said. The plane lost contact when it was believed to be over the Java Sea between Kalimantan and Java islands.
From financial crisis in Russia to cyber warfare with North Korea, 2014 has generated new flashpoints right into its final days, setting 2015 up to be just as turbulent. Almost all of the major confrontations, such as the battle with Islamic State militants, the West's stand-off with Russia over Ukraine and the fight against Ebola, will rumble on. Others could erupt at short notice. While Western policymakers hope Russia's economic crisis will curb Vladimir Putin's ambitions, others worry it could make him more unpredictable.
children learn nothing at all about the history of the Arabs, Islam and the Koran. Islam, for them is a primitive, murderous religion, bent on killing Jews. The great political change we need must be accompanied by a profound change of our historical outlook. The heroes of antiquity are perhaps due for another revision of their status.
A view from a long-time Cuba resident on the annoucement of renewed diplomatic ties with the US and its wider implications.
By Nafeez Ahmed
Small-Scale Traditional Farming Is the Only Way to Avoid Food Crisis, UN Researcher Says
Small-Scale Traditional Farming Is the Only Way to Avoid Food Crisis, UN Researcher Says
New scientific research increasingly shows how "agroecology" offers environmentally sustainable methods that can meet the rapidly growing demand for food.
By earl ofari hutchinson
North Korea's Racial Slur of President Obama is Business as Usual
The racial taunt by North Korean official's of President Obama as a monkey was no real surprise. The regime has blasted Obama before with border line racial jabs. Obama is the most visible and inviting target for North Korea to single out for blame and vitriol after its bare bones internet and mobile phone networks were disrupted for a few days. North Korean officials apparently saw this as retaliation for allegedly hacking So
North Korea's Racial Slur of President Obama is Business as Usual
The racial taunt by North Korean official's of President Obama as a monkey was no real surprise. The regime has blasted Obama before with border line racial jabs. Obama is the most visible and inviting target for North Korea to single out for blame and vitriol after its bare bones internet and mobile phone networks were disrupted for a few days. North Korean officials apparently saw this as retaliation for allegedly hacking So
North Korea on Saturday compared President Obama to a "monkey in a tropical forest" as it blamed the administration for disrupting its Internet access amid a hacking dispute related to the movie "The Interview." The North Korean government has been fiercely critical of the film, a comedy involving a plot to assassinate its leader Kim Jong Un, but has denied responsibility for a recent cyberattack on Sony Pictures.
People hurriedly cleaned and rebuilt a memorial to Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., on Friday morning after they said a car intentionally destroyed it. Officer Timothy Zoll, the Ferguson Police Department's public relations officer, said that no crime had been reported in connection to the memorial's destruction. He suggested that the department would look at any video of the incident, but he did not specify whether the department would investigate. "I don't know that a crime has occurred," Zoll said Friday. "But a pile of trash in the middle of the street? The Washington Post is making a call over this?"