Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Anglo-Americans have created and are managing ISIS. They "watch" it too...

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Anglo-Americans have created and are managing ISIS. They "watch" it too...

The 03/21/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Tunis museum jihadis wore belts packed with explosives to maximize deaths
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 11:00 pm

Tunis museum jihadis wore belts packed with explosives to maximize deaths
They wanted to present as many dead bodies as possible to their bloodthirsty god. “Tunis museum attackers wore belts packed with explosives,” by Yasmine Ryan, the Independent, March 20, 2015: Gunmen who shot dead 21 people at Tunisia’s Bardo Museum were also armed with explosive suicide belts and would have killed many more had police […]

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Islamic State video purports to show Kurdish peshmerga beheadings
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 10:52 pm

Islamic State video purports to show Kurdish peshmerga beheadings
“To the Muslim Kurdish people: know that our war is not with you, rather it is with those who ventured into an alliance with the Safavids and crusaders to wage war on the Muslims.” All in a day’s work: “when you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4). “Islamic State video purports to show […]

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U.S. fears Islamic State is making serious inroads in Libya
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 10:44 pm

U.S. fears Islamic State is making serious inroads in Libya
Besides Libya, “Islamic State has also endorsed, or received expressions of loyalty, from other militants around the region, including factions based in Nigeria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.” U.S. analysts, however, forbidden as they are by Obama Administration policy to examine the beliefs, motives and goals of the jihadis, have no idea why […]

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Iran’s Supremo: Introduce youth of US, Europe to “Islam of jihad”
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 10:25 pm

Iran’s Supremo: Introduce youth of US, Europe to “Islam of jihad”
The way things are going, given the denial and self-deception of our leaders and the mainstream media, and the complacency and ignorance they’ve fostered among the people, the youth of America and Europe will be introduced to the Islam of jihad soon enough. “Iran’s Ayatollah: Introduce Youth of America, Europe to ‘the Islam of Jihad,’” […]

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Canada: Muslims guilty of conspiracy to murder in railway jihad plot
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 10:07 pm

Canada: Muslims guilty of conspiracy to murder in railway jihad plot
“Esseghaier, who is unrepresented and has refused to participate in the trial because he believes he should be judged only under the Qur’an.” Why don’t all the moderate Muslim spokesmen in Canada and the U.S. who insist that Islam is a religion of peace go to Esseghaier’s sentencing and explain to the judge that the […]

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Islamic State claims Yemen mosque bombings, death toll now 142
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 01:22 pm

Islamic State claims Yemen mosque bombings, death toll now 142
“Infidel Huthis should know that the soldiers of the Islamic State will not rest until they eradicate them… and cut off the arm of the Safavid (Iranian) plan in Yemen.” Is a large-scale Sunni-Shi’ite jihad all across the region looming? An update on this story. “142 dead in Yemen mosque bombings claimed by IS,” AFP, […]

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UK: Convert to Islam jailed for plotting Lee Rigby-style beheading of British soldier
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 10:48 am

UK: Convert to Islam jailed for plotting Lee Rigby-style beheading of British soldier
Still another convert to Islam misunderstands his new, peaceful religion as requiring from him treason and murder. No one seems to mind. No one in the officialdom of Abject Britannia is calling upon Muslims who profess to reject this understanding of Islam to do something to counter its spread. Britain appears resigned to its own […]

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Islamic State destroys fourth-century Mar Benham Monastery in Iraq
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 10:17 am

Islamic State destroys fourth-century Mar Benham Monastery in Iraq
Besides removing supposed temptations to idolatry, Islamic jihadists want to ruin the artifacts of non-Muslim civilizations because doing so testifies to the truth of Islam, as the Qur’an suggests that ruins are a sign of Allah’s punishment of those who rejected his truth: Many were the Ways of Life that have passed away before you: […]

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Islamophobes murder 30 in mosque bombings in Yemen — no, wait…
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 07:52 am

Islamophobes murder 30 in mosque bombings in Yemen — no, wait…
Triple suicide bombings targeting mosques — who would do such a thing but greasy Islamophobes? This is an outrage! Call the Center for American Progress! Get them to issue a new edition of their “Islamophobia” report! Can’t we just stop the hate? What’s that? These bombings weren’t carried out by Islamophobes, but by Sunni Muslims […]

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Get ready for Erdoğan’s caliphate, Turkey’s ruling party official says
By Robert Spencer on Mar 20, 2015 07:02 am

Get ready for Erdoğan’s caliphate, Turkey’s ruling party official says
Fuat Özgür Çalapkulu has come under some fire for saying this, but in reality, many (both for and against) have remarked upon Erdoğan’s desire to restore the Ottoman caliphate. That desire also explains why Erdoğan has been slow to move against the Islamic State in any really effective way, despite cajoling from John Kerry and others: […]

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