Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday, 20 March 2015

Israelis By Chance 'Discover' Gold Coins and Other Archaeological Treasures
There is no independent verification of the provenance of either of the two recent discoveries in Israel. All we seem to have to go on is the word of the Israelis themselves...
sugarDr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall
The Sugar Conspiracy
16008027824_f7a6b7a4a3_h5Preston James, Ph.D
Senator Marco Rubio - Israel First, America Last
Post Gaddabi Lybia is  burning itself down. Who shares the blame?Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor
NEO - Libyan Oil Sector Under Assault
This is the face of Israel. Now What President Obama?Alan Hart
Netanyahu's Victory: Now What President Obama?
3510-thumb-520x245Arnaldo Rodgers
True choice empowers veterans to make their decisions on healthcare
5Arnaldo Rodgers
Rider University career fair connects veterans with potential employers
Joachim Hagopian
The US Latest Debacle in Yemen..
Boys will be boys... »»
Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Invest in South Africa or think twice ?..
Cape Town Reports: International Investors that are intending to invest in Africa have to think twice, that's according to experts that say that unlike the Titanic that went down with it light on, South Africa is sinking and going down with its lights off at a rapid rate »»
Kevin Barrett
French President attacks me, wants to ban my "conspiracy theories"..
I have been deemed "an enemy of the French state" - for publishing a book questioning Charlie Hebdo. »»
The President of France orders you not to buy this book
John Kerry and Saudi Arabia
America's Dead-End in the Middle East
So is Netanyahu a friend of the Sunnis, an enemy, neither, or both? »»
"The problem with this comparison is that it's unfair-to Carter."
William James Martin
Obama and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
If there is to be any change in the configuration between the Palestinians and the Israelis, it will emanate from the International Court of Justice. »»
Electric Company Hiring Veterans Today!
Westinghouse Electric Company has a long-standing commitment to excellence in commercial nuclear reactor technology. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Arnaldo Rodgers
Rider University career fair connects veterans with potential employers
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Westinghouse Joins
People enter the Nassau County Mega Job Fair at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York
Arnaldo Rodgers
U.S. jobless claims up slightly; weather hurts factory activity
The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits rose marginally last week, indicating the labor market remained on solid footing despite slowing economic growth. »»
James Patrick
What Does an Accountant Offer the Table?
It is most likely you have a Do It Yourself mind-set if you run a business. This implies you think it is feasible to do every little thing on your own or you do not rely on other individuals to finish a particular activity »»