Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday, 20 March 2015

Last Chance: Get Pre-Order Price for Snowflake Micro-Drone
Slashdot Deals: The Snowflake is stronger and smoother than your average nano drone, but equally compact. Fly this tiny, stealth quad-rotorcraft indoors and outdoors - explore the galaxy, or your living room - the legendary Snowflake will never fail to impress with its sleek snow-white design, flawless flips, and 360-degree rolls in any direction. 
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Slashdot Videos: Now with More Slashdot!
The Slashdot video section is newly improved to include all the usual Slashdot options to comment, share, etc. No more walled garden! But you still get the same interesting interviews, product close-ups, discussions on hotly debated topics and more. Take a look.  
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From the if-there-weren't-all-those-pesky-rights department writes CNN reports that when asked how to offset the influence of big money in politics, President Barack Obama suggested it's time to make voting a requirement. "Other countries have mandatory voting," said Obama "It would be...
From the but-the-future-branches department
Nerval's Lobster writes Google, Tesla, Mercedes and others are working hard to build the best self-driving car. But will anyone actually buy them? In a Q&A session at this year's South by Southwest, Lyft CEO Logan Green insisted the answer is...
From the before-the-raids-would-have-been-weird department
wired_parrot (768394) writes "Worldwide raids were carried out against Uber offices in Germany, France and South Korea. In Germany, the raids followed a court ruling banning Uber from operating without a license. In Paris, raids followed an...
From the dog's-not-that-shaggy department
Lucas123 (935744) writes During a discussion at a Nvidia conference, Elon Musk predicted that in the future, consumers will not be allowed to drive cars because it will be considered too dangerous. [Note: compare Lyft CEO Logan Green's opposite...
From the name-is-smith-john-smith department
An anonymous reader writes with this news snipped from The Register: Cisco will ship boxes to vacant addresses in a bid to foil the NSA, security chief John Stewart says. The dead drop shipments help to foil a Snowden-revealed operation whereby...
From the semi-religious-wars department
Nerval's Lobster writes For the past ten years, developers and tech pros have made a game of comparing MySQL and PostgreSQL, with the latter seen by many as technically superior. Those who support PostgreSQL argue that its standards support and...
From the oh-this-old-thing? department
An anonymous reader writes To nobody's surprise, the Japanese press reports that a new way to look at the inside of one of the Fukushima 1 damaged reactors has shown the fuel is not in place. Engineers have not been able to develop a machine to...
From the leave-'em-hanging department
jones_supa writes Half-Life 3 is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated games in history. While Valve transitioned from the revolutionary series that brought the company most of its original success, to online games like Team Fortress, Dota and...
From the you-are-dead-to-me department
An anonymous reader writes with this story about some of the fine print to Microsoft's offer of Windows 10 upgrades to pirates. "When Microsoft confirmed it will offer free Windows 10 upgrades to pirates worldwide, many were shocked. VentureBeat...
From the whatever-you've-got department writes Bloomberg reports that according to a person with knowledge of the matter, Apple plans to start accepting non-Apple devices as trade-ins as the company seeks to extend market-share gains against Android smartphones. Apple is...
From the less-pressing-less-flesh department
An anonymous reader writes Google has announced that it will start an official human-based screening process for all of the apps featured in its Google Play store, in a bid to "better protect the community" and "improve the app catalogue." The...
From the relative-vs-absolute department
jrepin writes The Pirate Party now measures as the largest political party in Iceland, according to a new servey from the Icelandic market and research company MMR which regularly surveyes the support for the political parties in Iceland. Support...
From the it-can-only-go-down-from-here department
New submitter boll writes A bunch of Star Citizen alumns have taken it upon themselves to resurrect the hit game franchise Descent, backed by a Kickstarter campaign. If you are a semi-oldtimer on the PC gaming scene, you may fondly remember how...
From the arise-phoenix department
An anonymous reader writes Google Glass failed. Its self-driving cars might change the world. At Google[x], pursuing the biggest, craziest projects means getting comfortable with failure — and embarrassment. Astro Teller, who leads Google's...
From the fox-in-the-hen-house department
donniebaseball23 writes In an editorial at, Brendan Sinclair asks an important question about the game ratings board in America. Should Strauss Zelnick, the CEO of Take-Two, which owns the Grand Theft Auto franchise and has been...