Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 2 March 2015

Netanyahu's Nuclear Scam
Clinton Baston was correct in his analysis on Iran, they have a nuclear program not a weapons program. 
Being in the light means being in the Unified Field of love and soul consciousness.Allen L Roland
11q_008Gordon Duff
Netanyahu Accuses Obama of Plan to Destroy Israel's Air Force
vetlikemeHardy Stone
VetLikeMe Weekly, March 1, 2015
B9316417041Z.1_20150227130446_000_GSCA33SG6.1-0Arnaldo Rodgers
Veterans deserve more generous tax breaks
17123813-mmmainArnaldo Rodgers
Michigan veterans would get 'welcome home' letters under bill sponsored by Midland Sen. Jim Stamas
NetanyahuBoehnerOJames M. Wall
"Skip It" Numbers Grow as Bibi Speech Looms
Gordon Duff
Kornet, What American and Israel Don't Want to Talk About..
Are our newest tanks no more than steel coffins? »»
A "lightly damaged" Merkava "indestructible tank"
Veterans Today
Veterans group proposes radical changes to VA..
A veterans advocacy group is proposing radical changes to the Department of Veterans Affairs, including a plan that would dismantle the agency in the hopes of injecting both improved care and increased choices for veterans. »»
Gordon Duff
So Busted: Netanyahu's Nuclear "Monkey Boy" on Iran, David Albright..
VT guts Netanyahu's monkeyboy... »»
11q_013 (1)
Arnaldo Rodgers
Malloy Picks Pratt Officer, Army Reservist To Be Veterans Chief
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy named a U.S. Army reservist and ethics officer for Pratt & Whitney to oversee Connecticut's Department of Veterans Affairs Thursday afternoon. »»
Arnaldo Rodgers
Veterans group proposes radical changes to VA
A veterans advocacy group is proposing radical changes to the Department of Veterans Affairs, including a plan that would dismantle the agency in the hopes of injecting both improved care and increased choices for veterans. »»
Credit Union Is Hiring U.S. Veterans!
The Union provides all the services you might expect from a bank. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Arnaldo Rodgers
Contest can help veterans lead the way in business
Military Veteran Job News    Arnaldo Rodgers
Veterans' Group Wants Non-Profit Corporation to Oversee VA Healthcare
Arnaldo Rodgers
Modi's Pro-Growth Budget Keeps India's Subsidies Untouched
Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a pro-growth budget for the coming year, with a wider deficit projection, in an effort to boost Asia's third-biggest economy while retaining subsidy payments for the nation's poor. »»
Stuart Clock
The Importance of Giving Back to The Community From Big Business
The most important part of a business is its employees. Employees that feel happy, motivated and proud of the company they represent are more effective for the business. »»