Op-Ed Articles
Forgiving Al-Qaeda in Pursuit of a New Enemy
By Jim Naureckas
There are indications of a shift toward groups like Al-Qaeda- as potential allies against the governments Washington has identified as more important enemies, namely Shi'ite-led Iran and Syria.
US Weapons Have a Nasty Habit of Going AWOL
By AJ Vicens
From Afghanistan to Yemen, a short history of American arms ending up in the wrong hands.
Netanyahu is Either a Liar or a Liar, and the White House Won't be Played
By Laurence Lewis
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now backtracking on his claimed opposition to Palestinian statehood, anyone who has been paying attention knows that it's really the international community he's trying to punk.
In case You Missed It
Bibi Unmasked: Caught On Tape: What Netanyahu Really Thinks Of US
By Justin Raimondo
In 2001, Bibi Netanyahu paid a condolence call on a group of Israeli settlers in the village of Ofra, widows whose husbands had been killed in the Intifada: the videotaped conversation has just been leaked, and broadcast by Israel's Channel 10, and it is a blockbuster.
What Would Ike Do?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
We are today headed for a collision with Israel as serious as Suez '56, and we are about to see what Barack Obama is made of.
Fear as Gold:
The Currency of Israel's Elections
By Binoy Kampmark
Having attained electoral victory, Netanyahu has demonstrated how the reptile in politics can go far.
Bill C-51 Reveals Harper's Inner Bully
By Murray Dobbin
The Harper government's pursuit of its odious Secret Police Act (Bill C-51) is just another chapter in the most through-going, and massive social engineering project in the history of the country.
What You Need to Know about Venezuela
By George Ciccariello-Maher
Venezuela is a "national security threat" only because it refuses to be controlled by the US.
Real Unemployment is Double the 'Official' Unemployment Rate
By Pete Dolack
Across North America, Europe and Australia, the real unemployment rate is approximately double the "official" unemployment rate.
Hard News
Middle East
142 killed in Yemen mosques blasts:
At least 142 people were killed when four suicide bombers blew themselves up in two mosques in the Yemeni capital Sanaa during Friday prayers, AFP reported.
IS claims deadly Yemen mosque bombings:
In an online statement, the previously unknown Sanaa branch of IS warned that the bombings were "just the tip of the iceberg". "Infidel Huthis should know that the soldiers of the Islamic State will not rest until they eradicate them... and cut off the arm of the Safavid (Iranian) plan in Yemen," the statement said.
Yemen: Shiite, Sunni militants lead slide into chaos:
Sunni tribes, hostile to a Huthi advance into their provinces, have teamed up with Al-Qaeda against the militia, with the government mostly standing by.
More than 70 Syria government forces killed in IS attacks: monitor:
The attacks in the provinces of Homs and Hama targeted checkpoints and positions manned by government loyalists, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Two bomb attacks kill more than 20 Syria Kurds:
The observatory said one of the attacks was carried out by a bomber who belonged to the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group.
Syrian Al Qaeda branch claims killing 12 Hezbollah members:
The Nusra Front, an affiliate of the Al Qaeda in Syria, said on Friday that it killed 12 members of the Lebanese Shia Islamist militant group Hezbollah in the region of al-Qalamoun, north of Damascus, on the border with Lebanon.
Why The Islamic State Is Not Really Islamic: Op-Ed: :
Some 120 Muslim religious scholars this week published an open letter refuting the Islamic State's claim to be a religious political movement, joining a series of high-profile condemnations of the extremist group by Islamic religious and political leaders.
Netanyahu Now Says He Wants a 2-State Solution:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that he supports a two-state solution for Israel and Palestinian despite coming out against a Palestinian state on the eve of Tuesday's election.
Obama tells Netanyahu U.S. to 'reassess' policy on Israel, Mideast diplomacy:
Obama's telephone call to Netanyahu followed a television interview in which the Israeli leader backed away from his pre-election declaration that there would be no Palestinian state on his watch, an about-face apparently aimed at quelling U.S. criticism triggered by his comments.
Come in Mr Peace Envoy: your time is up:
Rumours abound of the Right Dishonourable Anthony Blair's imminent departure from his position as the Quartet's Peace Envoy. The Chosen One has occupied that position since the powers-that-be gave it to him in 2007, at the behest of his mate George W. Bush.
S. Sudan rebels say 13 killed in ambush on government troops:
Lt.Col Peter Riek Gew said the ambush also left nine soldiers seriously injured. Gew has confirmed that another four vehicles from the South Sudanese army (SPLA) were set on fire.
Clashes between rival militias kill nine in Libya:
At least nine people have been killed in fighting between rival militia groups in western Libya, as the security situation further deteriorates in the conflict-ridden North African country, Press TV reported.
Pakistan: Militants in Army fatigues storm J&K thana, 6 killed:
Two heavily-armed terrorists, posing as soldiers in Army fatigues, stormed a police station and killed three people before they were gunned down at Rajbagh in Jammu & Kashmir's Kathua district on Friday.
Two Pak Rangers Killed in Suicide Attack in Karachi:
At least two Pakistani paramilitary Rangers personnel were killed today in a suicide bombing targeting their vehicle here, police said. The attackers targeted the vehicle in which around six soldiers were travelling in North Nazimabad area of the city.
Mob beats Afghan woman to death : Video -
This is the moment a woman was beaten to death by a mob before her body was set on fire and dumped in a muddy river in the heart of Afghanistan's capital.
Afghan cleric and others defend lynching of woman in Kabul:
An Afghan cleric and a police official on Friday defended the lynching of a woman in central Kabul after a mob was filmed stamping on the woman and smashing a brick on her head after she was accused of burning a Koran, Islam's holy book.
One civilian killed in rebel attack in east Ukrainian town: regional police:
One civilian was killed on Friday in an attack by pro-Russian separatist rebels in the government-controlled town of Avdiyivka in east Ukraine despite a ceasefire deal, Ukrainian regional police said.
Russia says sanctions 'destructive', will act in own interests: -
Russia described "sanctions rhetoric" as destructive on Friday and said it would do what is in its national interests after European Union leaders kept economic sanctions in place over the Ukraine crisis.
EU gears up for propaganda war with Russia:
The European Union is set to launch a first operation in a new propaganda war with Russia within days of EU leaders giving formal approval to the campaign at a summit on Thursday.
Future Russian army could deploy anywhere in the world - in 7 hours:
In the future, a fleet of heavy transport aircraft will reportedly be capable of moving a strategic unit of 400 Armata tanks, with ammunition, to anywhere in the world. And probably at hypersonic speed, enabling Russia to mount a global military response.
Turkey offers Ukraine $50 mln loan: Ukraine's Poroshenko:
"I'm grateful to Erdogan for the decision to offer a loan of $50 million towards covering the budget deficit," Poroshenko said following a one-on-one meeting with Erdogan, who was on an official visit to the Ukrainian capital.
Syriza promises new austerity list as European institutions intensify pressure on Greece:
A statement issued by the European powers and Greece Friday morning declared, "Greek authorities will have the ownership of the reforms and will present a full list of specific reforms in the next days."
UK: Confronting Islamophobia - why everyone should demonstrate against racism on Saturday :
Islamophobia has become an institutional norm - we need to stand shoulder to shoulder with Muslim communites and oppose military interventions and wars argues Chris Nineham
UN Warns World Could have 40% Water Shortfall by 2030:
The U.N. says if current trends don't change, the world will have only 60 percent of the water it needs in 2030, and demand will rise 55 percent by 2050.
To Solve California's Water Crisis, We Must Change the Nation's Food System:
The bold headline of a recent Los Angeles Times editorial by the hydrologist Jay Famiglietti starkly warned: "California has about one year of water left. Will you ration now?
Mexico ambush leaves 10 dead, including 5 federal police: -
A gang ambushed a federal police convoy in western Mexico, sparking a shootout that killed five officers, three suspects and two bystanders, authorities said Friday.
Canada Joins USA With Indefinite Imprisonment:
Now Canada joins the crowd as an authoritarian anti-Human Right nation. Yes, quiet Canadians are joining the brainwashed people who believe whatever their government tells them to their doom and it is called bill C-51
Remember the Abu Ghraib Torture Pictures? There are More That Obama Doesn't Want You to See :
The nightmarish images from Abu Ghraib are still seared into the American consciousness: piles of naked bodies, detainees being led on leashes and U.S. soldiers giving a thumbs-up as it all happens. But now, the U.S. government is trying to conceal as many as 2,100 additional photographs that are said to be even more disturbing.
US Veterans statistics: PTSD, Depression, TBI, Suicide.
Recent statistical studies show that rates of veteran suicide are much higher than previously thought, as much as five to eight thousand a year (22 a day, up from a low of 18-a-year in 2007, based on a 2012 VA Suicide Data Report).
Look Home, Obama :
If Obama wants to see police state repression of popular protestors, he might want look at his own self-declared "home town" Chicago.
The Shocking Finding From the DOJ's Ferguson Report That Nobody Has Noticed: News Analysis -
In Ferguson -- a city with a population of 21,000 -- 16,000 people have outstanding arrest warrants, meaning that they are currently actively wanted by the police.
US Customs Quietly Launches Facial Recognition Experiment at DC Airport:
On March 11, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) quietly rolled out a new facial recognition pilot program to help custom officers catch "imposters," or people using a passport that isn't theirs, an agency spokesperson confirmed to Motherboard on Wednesday.
ACLU sues TSA for airport 'behavioral detection' program:
The TSA uses the so-called behavioral detection system as part of its Screening Passengers by Observation Techniques program, whereby special trained officers look out for suspicious passengers who are then sent for further screening.