Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 2 March 2015

Ukraine: The Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse

by William R. Polk
How the process of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and what we face today over the Ukraine compare. It's not reassuring. But there's a way out.

Selma Is Now? No, Not Really.

by James B. LaGrand
2014 ≠ 1965 or 1955 or the 1890s

What Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress Will Mean for Israel and US Politics

by James Stocker
On March 3 Bibi Netanyahu ties Winston Churchill for the title of the foreign leader who has given the most speeches to the Congress. Is his address of long-lasting significance?

Obama’s ISIS War Request Is an “Extraordinary Opportunity” for Congress

by Andrew Bacevich
Pretend that it’s the spring of 1970. President Richard Nixon has just sent US troops into Cambodia, expanding the war. Angry? Then why aren't you angry now?

You Can Blame Juan Peron for Argentina’s Inflation

by Eduardo Singerman
It was the result of out and out fraud.

War Babies: The Generation that Changed America

by Richard Pells
They’re the generation that never got due attention.

Do You Remember Dag Hammarskjöld? You Should.

by Robin Lindley
An Interview with Biographer Roger Lipsey.

This Is When Muslims in the Middle East Turned to Extremism

by Richard Drake
It started with a treaty few in the West even remember: The Treaty of Sèvres (1920)

5 Ways Pirate Ships Functioned as a True Democracy

by Rachel Rolnick
This is something you don’t learn in school. Pirates pioneered many of the features we associate with democracy.

Review of Colman McCarthy’s “Teaching Peace: Students Exchange Letters with Their Teacher”

by Murray Polner
“Teaching Peace: Students Exchange Letters with Their Teacher,” is riveting and a real gem, filled with insights gleaned from the thousands of letters he’s received from former students.

Roundup Top 10!

This week's broad sampling of opinion pieces found on the Internet, as selected by the editors of HNN.