Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 27 April 2015

Evening Edition: Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.
CONTRIBUTOR: E. Swan. (E.Swan) 309 U.S. millionaires recently vanished. Their cars are still there. No savings have been withdrawn. It’s as if they’ve disappeared from the face of the earth. For every millionaire, 7 everyday folks are gone too. Where did these folks go? The answer is surprising—and just might save your…


Obama Claims Openness--Most Secretive Administration In History (Picture)

Obama Claims Openness--Most Secretive Administration In History (Picture)CONTRIBUTOR: muckracker1. President Obama claims to value “openness” as a core principle of democracy, but the truth is that his administration has been among the most secretive and manipulative in modern times, tailoring what the public hears about foreign crises to what serves his agenda, writes Robert Parry. n disclosing the deaths...



CONTRIBUTOR: BioPrepper. We’ve all experienced temporary power outages. Sometimes they come in the middle of the night; at other times they come right in the middle of our favorite sports show. Frustrating, and an inconvenience, they generally don’t last for very long. It’s one thing to endure an inconvenient power outage...



A GREEN BERET’S GUIDE TO LOW-BUDGET HOME-DEFENSE TECHNIQUES 101: “EARLY-WARNING SYSTEMS AND FORTIFICATIONS”CONTRIBUTOR: BioPrepper. This article is the first in a series that covers hardening your home and some easy, low-budget alternatives for early-warning systems and fortifications. For all the prior service members (especially 11-Bravos), parts of this will be basic: this info is especially for those who haven’t been in the military to...


OOPS! MEDIA DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING! The New Culture of Self-Defense

OOPS! MEDIA DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING! The New Culture of Self-DefenseCONTRIBUTOR: AmmoLand. By Rob Morse Slow Facts California - -(  I had to laugh.  A new Pew Research poll surveyed our attitude towards guns.  I laughed, not because the poll was so bad, but because the poll was so true! There are two reasons I liked this poll.  First, the biased and...


Civil Unrest Has Begun In Baltimore And This Is Only Just The Start Of Something MUCH Bigger

Civil Unrest Has Begun In Baltimore And This Is Only Just The Start Of Something MUCH BiggerCONTRIBUTOR: The Pete Santilli Show. Michael Snyder is the publisher of , The American Dream Blog and The Truth On Saturday night, the city of Baltimore resembled a warzone as protests over the death of Freddie Gray turned wildly violent.  One eyewitness reported watching the streets around him and his friend “turn into madness” as...


New shocking evidence suggests pole shift is occurring on Earth

New shocking evidence suggests pole shift is occurring on EarthCONTRIBUTOR: AA Newsroom. Is a reversal of the earth’s magnetic poles taking place? Volcanoes, earthquakes, strange noises from the sea. New shocking evidence points to a pole shift which, if it happens fast, will cause chaos around the world. A pole reversal, when the earth’s north and south magnetic poles start to swap...


To Relocate To The Country Or Not? 7 Questions Answered

To Relocate To The Country Or Not? 7 Questions AnsweredCONTRIBUTOR: Survivopedia. As preppers, we look at things from every angle; we think about whether to store water or tabs and whether to bug out or stay in. Many of us are also considering whether or not we should move to the country in order to keep our families safe. There are...


10 Ways to Live without Refrigeration

CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore. 10 Ways to Live without Refrigeration Recently, a friend and her family camped on our homestead and spent a long weekend with us. They got to see first hand how we live without electricity and running water. She sent me a message recently with a recipe she thought that...


Attn Christians! Something Monstrous Being Hidden From Our View: Bullseye Discovered in Two Chilling Gov’t Documents! You Wont Believe What They Say

Attn Christians! Something Monstrous Being Hidden From Our View: Bullseye Discovered in Two Chilling Gov’t Documents! You Wont Believe What They SayCURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven “Christian Persecution – A religious persecution that Christians sometimes undergo as a consequence of professing their faith, both historically and in the current era. In the two thousand years of the Christian faith, about 70 million believers have been killed for their faith, of whom...


Dead Bodies In Tunnels? - "Operation Jade Helm" Just Got Much Much Worse (video)

Dead Bodies In Tunnels? - CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. By: Voice of Reason FOR MORE NEWS BY VOICE OF REASON CLICK HERE! “OPERATION JADE HELM” JUST TOOK A REALLY BAD TURN! The implications of what these tunnels COULD mean take DISTURBING to new levels. As any of you that have followed me for any length of time...




CONTRIBUTOR: The Pete Santilli Show


CONTRIBUTOR: common sense

CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence

CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason

CONTRIBUTOR: william tell


CURATOR: Lisa Haven