Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 07 Jul 2015 10:00 PM PDT
I am plant-based. Essentially, this means I don’t eat anything with a face or a mother. Animals find this agreeable. I’m also an ultra-endurance athlete. Essentially, this means I don’t go all that fast, but I can go all day. My wife finds this agreeable.

Conventional wisdom is that “vegan” and “athlete” simply don’t get along — let’s call it irreconcilable differences. I’m here to say that is utter nonsense.

“But where do you get your protein?”

Not a day goes by that I am not asked this question. If I had a dollar for every time this came up, everyone in my family would be driving a Tesla.

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Posted: 07 Jul 2015 09:00 PM PDT
First of all , what are crop circles? Crop Circles are elaborate designs formed in wheat and grain fields. The stalks of the grain have been laid flat, usually in a circular or flowing pattern.

Mysterious crop circles have been spotted in wheat fields across the world for decades. With no witnesses to see them being made and reports of strange glowing lights hovering above them, could crop circles be the proof that aliens exist?

Crop circle formations are absolutely stunning in their design, intricacy, and precise measurements. Many of them are huge, covering the space of ten football fields. When carefully measured, the geometrical designs are accurate to within an eighth of an inch!

This is true even if the formation is a thousand feet long! (That’s the height of a hundred-story building.) For example, a hundred-foot circle will have an accurate and identical radius on all sides to within the thickness of a single stalk of grain.

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Posted: 07 Jul 2015 07:00 PM PDT
How did an African tribe come to possess advanced astronomical knowledge about the Sirius star system?

Throughout history, many civilizations were fascinated with Sirius, the Dog Star. This bright celestial object occupies an elevated status in various mythologies but none paint a more intriguing picture than the Dogon Tribe of West Africa.

The rich culture of the Dogon people spans back more than five thousand years and one of their ancient legends tells the story of a race of otherworldly beings called the Nommo.

According to legend, these advanced individuals visited the Earth eons ago, descending “from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder.”

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