Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 15 August 2015

Evening Edition: Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Are You Prepared for the Coming Civil War?

Are You Prepared for the Coming Civil War?CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Everyday, seven days a week, I am sent a constant stream of eyewitness accounts which exemplify what I have been saying for three years. Following a precipitating incident, presumably a false flag incident, martial law will be imposed upon the American people. Very quickly following the implementation of martial law...


Breaking! Flights Suspended in DC/NY... Hacker or Glitch?

Breaking! Flights Suspended in DC/NY... Hacker or Glitch?CONTRIBUTOR: With everything that has been going on with Jade Helm we still have to keep our eyes open. Since the beginning of the exercise, we as a Nation have experienced many "technical" difficulties. What is going on in DC and New York right now is just another mark on the...


How Hollywood Predictive Programming Broadcasts Coming Events

How Hollywood Predictive Programming Broadcasts Coming EventsCONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins. When this episode was first broadcast in the pre-Internet wilderness of 1981, not one in a thousand Americans would have known what it was referring to. “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or...


China More Explosions Equivalent To More Than 20 Tons of TNT 85 Dead! 6,000 People Displaced. Who Or What Is The Culprit? (Video)

China More Explosions Equivalent To More Than 20 Tons of TNT 85 Dead! 6,000 People Displaced. Who Or What Is The Culprit? (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. More Explosions In China 85 Dead! Who Or What Is The Culprit? 15 Aug 15 Complicating things, the warehouse contained chemicals and contamination is a concern for the environment and neighboring communities. Do we have an arsonist or is there something more sinister at foot? Check this out....


Craziest Illuminati Kidnapping in U.S. - You Will Be Left Speechless!

Craziest Illuminati Kidnapping in U.S. - You Will Be Left Speechless!CURATOR: John Ale. Did the Illuminati take her daughter to sacrifice because of her 'special' blood? One this is for certain, you will not believe what you are about to hear! The Illuminati are kidnapping children, whistleblowers, and the good people of God. I remember this warning from Anonymous. "Multiple Anons have reported...


David Icke: One of the Most Corrupt Industries on Earth - the Cancer Industry

David Icke: One of the Most Corrupt Industries on Earth - the Cancer IndustryCONTRIBUTOR: Grover. David Icke: Speaking on One of the Most Corrupt Industries on Earth - the Cancer Industry, plus Big Pharma, Bilderberg, Google, Wembley And Much More...


Massive Volcanic Eruption - The Next Tambora?

Massive Volcanic Eruption - The Next Tambora?CONTRIBUTOR: Bob Rodgers. In April 2015 we counted 200 years since the explosion of the Tambora volcano, the most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history. It isn’t something you’re going to find easily in our media, but just like many volcanologists out there, you need to wonder: “will we face a similar...


Obama Should Get High Treason-2500 Years In Jail For Forgery Of Birth Certificate When He Was Accessing Nukes (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala. By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it.) Donald Trump's made an Instagram video saying Obama's aiding Islamic terrorism. He's made a rousing speech in New Hampshire. Donald Trump's a birther. Obama's an illegal...


Rabbi Teaches that Jews are an Alien Race Here to Take over the Earth

CONTRIBUTOR: James Rathey. RABBI TEACHES THAT JEWS ARE AN ALIEN RACE HERE TO TAKE OVER THE EARTH Listen closely as an Israeli rabbi tells his audience that "jews" are not from this planet and are here to conquer the Earth. The teachings of this rabbi would seem to indicate that the jews...


What Does It Mean To Your Health If You Crave Cinnamon?

What Does It Mean To Your Health If You Crave Cinnamon?CONTRIBUTOR: JB Bardot. Cinnamon is a powerful medicinal herb that possesses both anti-microbial and antifungal properties. Rich in antioxidants, it has been used for centuries in both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda; and. ancient medical practitioners were well aware of the numerous medicinal qualities of this exotic spice. Cinnamon is an effective...


CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason

CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CURATOR: Lisa Haven


CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot


CONTRIBUTOR: Dr. William B. Mount


CONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins