Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 3 August 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 01 Aug 2015 10:00 PM PDT
In 2008, the loss of 11 billion dollars by the world’s largest investment company, AIG, and the bankruptcy of the US investment bank Lehman Brothers, triggered a domino effect of financial consequences which brought the entire capitalist system within a hair’s breadth of total collapse.

But, as the events leading up to the financial crisis were slowly unveiled, it became ever clearer that the crisis was caused, quite knowingly, by the bankers themselves.
The Cause

In the years leading up to the economic crisis in 2008, banks increased the funding for the riskiest loans (called subprime loans), from $30 billion a year to over $600 billion a year, rigged even higher interest rates on those loans, and then, while the bankers were making billions of dollars of profits off the borrowers’ high interest repayments, they made further profits betting against their customers ever being able to pay back the loans they had just been given.

The FBI warned the government about this in reports as early as 2006, the IMF’s chief economist, Raghurum Rajan, presented a paper to the men in charge of all the world’s major banks, including the Federal Reserve, warning of the potential collapse of the system due to dangerous incentives, and journalist Allan Sloan published articles in Fortune magazine and The Washington Post in 2007 – nothing was done.

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Posted: 01 Aug 2015 09:00 PM PDT
Spiritual awakening is a state of enlightenment; everyone going down the path of spiritual enlightenment will undergo similar experiences of growth.

by Helen E. Williams,

As with most things involving spirituality, the phenomenon of spiritual enlightenment or awakening doesn’t have a clear and concise definition.

We describe it as a highly complex and rich phenomenon that involves reaching a certain degree of understanding of life, oneself, and our reason to be — among various other things.

When people undergo spiritual enlightenment, they experience a change within themselves. Although everyone has their own unique experiences, there are some common elements that we all share.

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Posted: 01 Aug 2015 08:00 PM PDT
Our science still can’t cut, move and fit huge rocks as well as the 12-foot tall Homo Sapien ETs who came to Earth for gold 400,000 years ago from the planet Nibiru.

The Nibirans cut stones as large as 10 tons with huge cutting tools run on power pulled from the earth.

The Anunnaki, other extraterrestrials and then the ancestors of humanity on every continent built megalithic–big rock–sites on Earth’s ley lines–oscillating telepathic internet fields where all who worship fuse their consciousness into one group mind and can communicate with people and their knowledge at other megalithic sites.

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Posted: 01 Aug 2015 07:00 PM PDT
Our sensitivity can empower us in ways we can’t quite understand. Find out what kind of an empath you are and how you can become a better person through simple awareness.

In today’s society, sensitivity is viewed as a weakness, which is kind of ironic because our sensitivity can be quite empowering.

So, how can we become empowered by a trait that makes us soft and delicate, in a world dominated by loud and overpowering people? Yes, it is true that many empaths may seem weak and even get overpowered, but there is another aspect to this sensitivity.

Deep down, way beyond the veil of our superficial personas, all empaths have something distinctly quiet and quite powerful. This power doesn’t dominate or overpower people but rather empowers one in an extremely useful way.

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