Humans Are Free-Blog |
- The Vatican About ETs: “The Existence of These Beings is Real. We Can’t Have Doubts.”
- Top 3 Mind-Boggling Quantum Experiments That Will Drop Your Jaw
- Bill Cooper Was Killed Shortly After Predicting 9/11 and Naming Osama bin Laden as Scapegoat
- The Flying Machines of the Ancient “Gods”
Posted: 02 Aug 2015 10:00 PM PDT
‘Shocking testimony’ is not so shocking to some these days, especially when you have statements from hundreds of credible ‘high ranking’ people within the military, academia, and political realms alluding to the fact that, asDr. Edgar Mitchell says (6th man to walk on the moon), “we are not alone, they’ve been coming here for a long time.”
If you want to view some more statements, and have a look at some documents, you can check them out in THIS heavily sourced article to further your research. One common misconception about extraterrestrial life is the idea that it goes against religion. This could not be further from the truth, as in most cases, religion actually confirms the existence of life beyond our own world. For example, in Sikhism, God did not limit life to our planet, but created it throughout the cosmos. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 02 Aug 2015 09:00 PM PDT
Quantum physics has revealed that the true nature of our reality is much “weirder” than we previously thought.
Findings in this realm challenge various belief systems that are still firmly held by a large portion of mainstream science. The modern scientific worldview is predicated on assumptions closely associated with classical physics. This has become dominant in academia, more specifically, materialism, which is the idea that matter is the only reality, despite the fact that multiple experiments have clearly shown how certain empirical phenomena cannot be explained by classical physics. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 02 Aug 2015 08:00 PM PDT
Milton William “Bill” Cooper was an acclaimed conspiracy writer best known for his 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse.
Throughout his life, Cooper worked to expose numerous global conspiracies, and one of his latest involved the September 11 attacks. He was fatally shot shortly after, leading many to believe he had actually been right. During the 1990s, Cooper would broadcast a nightly radio talk called Hour of the Time. As an already established author and former Naval Intelligence veteran, he quickly captivated his audience with various subjects of interest. This was happening before the internet took off and information was harder to come by so people were tuning in Monday to Friday, eager to find out the truth. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 02 Aug 2015 07:00 PM PDT
By Ancient Code
What are the “Flying machines of the “Gods” that are seen in numerous depictions of ancient cultures around the world? We have seen numerous ancient depictions of mysterious flying objects belonging to the gods, but what are they? Do “Gods” really need “objects” to help them “fly”? What do these depiction mean in reality? The Hopi Indians from Arizona speak of the Kachina spirits, and their incredibly ability to “fly” across the skies in their so-called “flying shields” which the ancients call paatuwvota. According to the Natives, these unique flying objects were circular in shape, as the shield of a warrior, and emitted “a thunderous sound. In one of the many depictions found throughout the Hopi lands, there is a curious drawing in which the Hopi depict a character sitting on one of those “flying shields” showing its relatively small and maneuverable appearance.
Replica of the mysterious painting found in China depicting beings in “Flying saucers”
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